Author Topic: OK, Let's do it again. Why do you Brits have such retarded, faggotty gun laws?  (Read 20914 times)

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Offline Jack

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Reports say the shooter was also wearing a bomb. What exactly is the solution being advocated again? Or is the conversation now one of talking at me instead of to me?

Sorry mate.  I really do apologise.  If he was wearing a bomb then obviously it doesn't count.
Certainly it does count, toward two crime statistics.

Offline Jack

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Can't you see I've been trying to agree with you on a certain level, FourAceDeal? You've been all over the place in this discussion, to the point of my not knowing exactly what is being suggested or even discussed. Laws which control and judge an entire population based on the acts of a society's criminal element are not fair and just laws. Propose at least one problem solving suggestion, with a supporting argument which is fairly applied to all citizens. Just one. Am not going to do it for you. Unless of course, the intention is to now report in this thread on every US shooting, while claiming to be right...about something.

Just the big ones.  I don't have the time to do them all.
What does that accomplish with no proposed solution?

Offline FourAceDeal

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I was using the implied values of an opposing belief system to satirise that very same belief system.  You either have to appreciate it or not, because explaining it, as I am doing now, collapses the inherent humour of the situation.

Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline Jack

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I was using the implied values of an opposing belief system to satirise that very same belief system.  You either have to appreciate it or not, because explaining it, as I am doing now, collapses the inherent humour of the situation.
Fair enough, that post completely aside, do believe there's are reasons anti-gun proponents find these discussions so frustrating, and many of those reasons have been displayed in this discussion by leaving one's self completely open to valid apposing stances and proofs by making arguments based in disprovable or opinionated assertions. Respectable innovators can see fair solutions, while whiners only point at the problem.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Oh dear.  Apparantly someone has entered a Florida gay bar with a semi-automatic mental health issue.  He fired at least 20 shots with this mental health issue and there are multiple casualties.

When will people realise that their constitutional rights to have mental health issues are killing people?

Thank god we have the NRA to tell us the truth.


Modified to say:  Some reports are saying that the mental health issue was a fully automatic type.

Why weren't you making the same arguments about gun control after the Paris shootings??  :pwned:

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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I was using the implied values of an opposing belief system to satirise that very same belief system.  You either have to appreciate it or not, because explaining it, as I am doing now, collapses the inherent humour of the situation.

Actually, this is being investigated as an act of terrorism, not a mental health issue.

Offline FourAceDeal

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I was using the implied values of an opposing belief system to satirise that very same belief system.  You either have to appreciate it or not, because explaining it, as I am doing now, collapses the inherent humour of the situation.

Actually, this is being investigated as an act of terrorism, not a mental health issue.

Yeah, I know.  Which I must admit, somewhat pisses on my bonfire. 

I'l have to wait for the next one for another chance to be sardonic. 
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline FourAceDeal

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F**k me.  50 dead. 
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline Jack

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I was using the implied values of an opposing belief system to satirise that very same belief system.  You either have to appreciate it or not, because explaining it, as I am doing now, collapses the inherent humour of the situation.

Actually, this is being investigated as an act of terrorism, not a mental health issue.

Yeah, I know.  Which I must admit, somewhat pisses on my bonfire. 

I'l have to wait for the next one for another chance to be sardonic.
Simply mocking a situation, or criticizing it with complete disregard to effective corrective measures, gives the impression you don't wish to be taken seriously. It reduces the conversation to you basically saying hahahah the US has a problem, and me basically saying yeah so what?

Offline Jack

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I was using the implied values of an opposing belief system to satirise that very same belief system.  You either have to appreciate it or not, because explaining it, as I am doing now, collapses the inherent humour of the situation.

Actually, this is being investigated as an act of terrorism, not a mental health issue.
Semicolon once made an interesting argument in favor of the mentally ill, in that mental illness isn't in itself a crime. It's a valid stance, regarding laws which negate the rights of the individual based on the criminal actions of another.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2016, 12:42:43 PM by Jack »

Offline FourAceDeal

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Actually Jack, I'm a bum for using this to make a point.  50 dead.  And the irony is that although the targets of this attack are the type of people that ISIS throw off buildings, they're also the demographic that are the least likely to be Islamophobic (or any other "phobic").
Ever got that feeling that you're trying to teach a dog a card trick?

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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And the irony is that although the targets of this attack are the type of people that ISIS throw off buildings, they're also the demographic that are the least likely to be Islamophobic (or any other "phobic").

I noticed that irony too. Perhaps now the political left will start to wake up to what a dangerous death-cult a large minority of Islam is.

I've always felt the left's love affair with Islam is because most of it's adherents are brown skinned and PC types are so eager to prove they're tolerant and inclusive, to an almost pathological degree.

It could also be driven by envy, in that they try to emulate the Jihadists fanaticism.

Offline Jack

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Actually Jack, I'm a bum for using this to make a point.  50 dead. 
Stop doing that. Denying the numbers, guns aren't dangerous, it obviously doesn't count, I'm a bum...it's putting words in my mouth which aren't being said. If the intent is snooty mockery, then that's fine, mock away. Personally love patriotism; it's having a sense of pride and loyalty to crap I didn't do. Everyone should enjoy it. Though don't personally need to bash anyplace else in order to have that. There's nothing wrong with appreciating one's own country's laws and civic structure; if that's all that's being said then yay Britts. Whatever. Have handed you the most recent and reliably sourced data for all measures of death in the US, as well as pointing out current US measures of gun control and homicide trends with 60% decrease over the last twenty years. My point is, the US has a problem, it's a problem which is steadily improving due to federal measures of gun control, and there are further control measures which could be taken without changing the constitution. What point are you trying to make about it?

Offline Pyraxis

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The shooter legally bought his guns with very little background check because he had a job history as a security guard for a major security company.

I do think people are being bums (and also short-sighted and catastrophizing) to use the panicked aftermath of an event like this to make a political point.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Jack

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The shooter legally bought his guns with very little background check because he had a job history as a security guard for a major security company.
His ex-wife is publicly stating he has a history of domestic violence; have no clue if that's a legally substantiated claim. If there was a glitch in the system, or not, it will come out eventually.