Mad Hatter: How far into the rabbit hole do you want to go?
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That you shouldn't judge me and whether i'm dateable, based on online forums. What did I talk about so dear to me on WP?
It's pretty obvious what the problem is. Almost everyone at this site has access to all his posts in the Adult Forum of WP, except him. There is no way he can keep his persona straight, so his best bet is to remain as vague as possible.It is an interesting tactic to try and gain favor on a site by telling everyone that they spend too much time on the site, and that you are too good for the site.
Quote from: Jeremy Fisher on May 11, 2011, 07:24:47 PMIt's pretty obvious what the problem is. Almost everyone at this site has access to all his posts in the Adult Forum of WP, except him. There is no way he can keep his persona straight, so his best bet is to remain as vague as possible.It is an interesting tactic to try and gain favor on a site by telling everyone that they spend too much time on the site, and that you are too good for the site.Oh, shit. Now you know that cbc and I are lousy tacticians.
You just said "who isn't?" about being camp, I just said you don't seem camp. Not sure what your point is.
Quote from: benjimanbreeg on May 11, 2011, 07:20:10 PMYou just said "who isn't?" about being camp, I just said you don't seem camp. Not sure what your point is. Read his post again. He didn't say you're a bit camp but who isn't, he said you like a bit of camp but who doesn't.
You seem to care a lot about me, to a worrying degree.
This is fun, being judged by my antics on a forum. Lets just say from this forum, I had a message from a member saying I had them rolling with laughter. To be honest, i'm not trying to amuse odeon or midwife. If I was, i'd just post one of the silly pictures/posters that appeals to people with a delayed mental age. "internetz, serious muther fuggin business" hillarious. And as far as my girlfriend is concerned, i'm not retarded enough to make an online forum a place to talk about my personal life. Just because odeon and midwife are computer nerds doesn't really mean they function in the real world, socially anyway. Otherwise they, and most members here wouldn't be on here so much. I've just got in the 2nd time today, worked hard, got back about 5, was on here for about an hour. Had half an hours drive to play a tennis match, we thrashed the other team. My tennis partner used to play for his county. Then we all went out for an expensive Thai meal. The day before, I woke up, and had "crazy hot" morning sex, not my words. Been practicing my piano a lot for my next grade. My name is scattered across the board at my golf club. A woman on this site said she knew there was more substance to me, when I told her a bit about myself, and she wanted to come fly miles to come and see me, actually, quite a few have. I would never resort to sucking on their arse in the cringeworthy way midlife does. And butterfly, I will say one thing, my gf has a degree, she's very intelligent. And, you're not really one to be talking about relationships anyway. I must be doing something right Ok, think i'm done, just wanted to point out i'm not just useless cunt. Anymore questions?
Quote from: Jeremy Fisher on May 11, 2011, 07:24:47 PMIt's pretty obvious what the problem is. Almost everyone at this site has access to all his posts in the Adult Forum of WP, except him. There is no way he can keep his persona straight, so his best bet is to remain as vague as possible.It is an interesting tactic to try and gain favor on a site by telling everyone that they spend too much time on the site, and that you are too good for the site.I could get access to the adult forum if i was that bothered Oh, joking about sex gives it all away. What planet are you fucking on? You seem to care a lot about me, to a worrying degree. I'm not trying to gain FAVOUR. Like I said, you should take a break from your computer, get a grip.
I don't need to hide anything. I just don't trust voyeur's. I know you're probably making these wild accussations, and mile of the mark guesses, hoping i'll tell you my life life story. But just leave it be.
Quote from: benjimanbreeg on May 12, 2011, 09:09:54 AMI don't need to hide anything. I just don't trust voyeur's. I know you're probably making these wild accussations, and mile of the mark guesses, hoping i'll tell you my life life story. But just leave it be. I'm not looking for your life story. I do think it would be cool if you were a bit more open though. At the moment, I don't really know what to make of you. Getting to understand you a little bit better might help me make up my mind.I've always liked tennis, and think it's a shame that you won't speak a little bit more about it. I noticed you were involved in a tournament recently. Was it the West Bridgeford Tournament 2011?