The only thing that I know for sure is, that our own gun laws should remain.
This is possibly the very first sensible thing you have ever posted.
I have to agree regarding our own gun laws.
They (the laws regarding ownership, etc) should remain or better yet, be set back to The Second Amendment of our own constitution, thus removing all later restrictions.
I applaud the possibility of dualism in your thinking, but ask you to think this through and maybe tell us why one set of FREEDOM laws is good for one set of people and NOT good for all people.
I am not convinced that I have ever met a person that does not have a right to defend his/her own life and further his/her own freedom.
Firstly, you do know I'm British? Scottish, now living in N.Ireland. I meant that our gun laws should stay as they are. I honestly don't don't know whether your gun laws should stay as they are, or not.
For me, guns are not a freedom issue. They are a public safety issue. I can understand that in your country gun crime is out of control, and many of you feel that the only way to keep yourselves and your family safe is to own a gun. Basically to fight fire with fire. I can understand that if America banned guns tomorrow, the criminals would keep their guns, and possibly find it easy to replace those guns as they broke. American criminals probably have such a culture of gun ownership that there would be no way of removing guns from the criminal element. If you ban guns, then you would possibly only be removing them from the law abiders. It may create a system where the bad guys have weapons and the good guys don't. This would not be good.
Britain is a completely different situation though. We do not have a culture of gun ownership. Our criminals don't have a culture of gun ownership. If you allow people to own guns, then you obviously allow criminals to own guns. If someone breaks into my home, I know I'll lose some stuff. The insurance will pay up, and nobody is likely to get hurt. If the homeowner has a gun, and the intruder has a gun, then one of us is likely to die. I would much rather nobody had guns, than everyone have guns. There is no way of ensuring that good people have guns and bad people don't. I am certain that allowing gun ownership would only create a more violent society.
Also, and possibly most importantly, we both live in a democracy. In my country, the vast majority do not want to introduce guns to our society. This should be respected. As far as I know, the majority of Americans want to be allowed guns. This also should be respected.
Didn't really think she was saying one law is good for one and bad for another, but has realized banning just might not work here.
Yup. That's pretty much what I mean.
And I post plenty of sensible stuff. You just don't read it