You seem to be a knowledgeable gun guy. In your opinion, what is the ideal carry piece?
For extreme concealment combined with some degree of hitting power, a Ruger LCP in 380 is a good choice @ 12.2 ounces loaded with 7 Remington 102 grain Brass Jacketed Hollow Points is about the same size as a lot of circa 1970s - 1980s 25 ACP pistols with double the bore diameter and bullet weight. Here is mine next to a Smith & Wesson 642-2 38 Special +P.

For more power and slim belt carry the Kahr MK9 9mm loaded with 7 147 grain HST JHPs weighing in at 26.8 ounces has considerably better expansion, penetration, tissue destruction, accuracy and less felt recoil. Here it is next to the LCP.
For a longer sight radius (less magnification of alignment error) and the ability to handle literally 1000s of hot 9mm +P+ ammo without breaking a sweat the Glock 26 loaded with 10 rounds (I download the ten round magazine by one so 9 +1) of Winchester 127 grain RA9TA +P+ gives outstanding 9mm hitting power and shoots as accurate as most bigger auto pistols and weighs - again - 26.8 ounces. This one passed the 13,000 round mark years ago and has had a few thousand through it since and is an outstanding piece. I like it so much I bought a spare. Here it is next to the MK9.

Finally if you want major caliber power (i.e. 40 S&W 45 ACP) in a small, controllable, accurate package the HK P2000sk 40 S&W is 31.8 ounces with 10 rounds of Federal 180 grain HST ammo and is a fucking pleasure to shoot and delivers real good power, penetration and expansion. Here it is on the right of the Glock 26.

Of course this is only my own preferences out of what I own. There are lots of other good guns to choose from.