
Author Topic: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.  (Read 20474 times)

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Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #300 on: January 04, 2012, 02:27:06 AM »
My brother was not shooting dismally, I just was well practiced at that time. After I passed the 13,000 round mark in the 26 in about 2006 I stopped keeping track*. I put in much more range time back then. Most depts here requal 4 times a year.

*Shortly after that I had numerous other guns to be shooting so the 26 got less range time than it used to.
I just realized that people might read that post and conclude that I shot 13000 rounds out of my 26 during 2006. That is not what I meant. I had bought the gun in December 1999 and by mid 2006 was @ the 13,000+ mark through it. I was also shooting my 40s and 45s, 22s, 44 magnums etc but that little pistol went to the range everytime back then, no matter what else I was shooting. That frequency of practice will get a person proficient.

 So if I were to buy a little gun like the one I shot in California, and practice with it a LOT,
 I too would become an expert shot, at least with that gun ...  Cool.   :litigious:
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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #301 on: January 04, 2012, 02:36:17 AM »
My brother was not shooting dismally, I just was well practiced at that time. After I passed the 13,000 round mark in the 26 in about 2006 I stopped keeping track*. I put in much more range time back then. Most depts here requal 4 times a year.

*Shortly after that I had numerous other guns to be shooting so the 26 got less range time than it used to.
I just realized that people might read that post and conclude that I shot 13000 rounds out of my 26 during 2006. That is not what I meant. I had bought the gun in December 1999 and by mid 2006 was @ the 13,000+ mark through it. I was also shooting my 40s and 45s, 22s, 44 magnums etc but that little pistol went to the range everytime back then, no matter what else I was shooting. That frequency of practice will get a person proficient.

 So if I were to buy a little gun like the one I shot in California, and practice with it a LOT,
 I too would become an expert shot, at least with that gun ...  Cool.   :litigious:
If you practiced with proper technique yes.

Offline Calavera

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #302 on: January 04, 2012, 05:34:33 AM »
My brother was not shooting dismally, I just was well practiced at that time. After I passed the 13,000 round mark in the 26 in about 2006 I stopped keeping track*. I put in much more range time back then. Most depts here requal 4 times a year.

*Shortly after that I had numerous other guns to be shooting so the 26 got less range time than it used to.
I just realized that people might read that post and conclude that I shot 13000 rounds out of my 26 during 2006. That is not what I meant. I had bought the gun in December 1999 and by mid 2006 was @ the 13,000+ mark through it. I was also shooting my 40s and 45s, 22s, 44 magnums etc but that little pistol went to the range everytime back then, no matter what else I was shooting. That frequency of practice will get a person proficient.

 So if I were to buy a little gun like the one I shot in California, and practice with it a LOT,
 I too would become an expert shot, at least with that gun ...  Cool.   :litigious:

And then you can impress PPK with the gun skills and, therefore, show him a really sexy side of you. And he won't run away from you this time.

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #303 on: January 04, 2012, 10:34:41 AM »
How old were you when you stopped pooping yourself?


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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #304 on: March 16, 2012, 12:35:45 PM »
How old were you when you stopped pooping yourself?
I don't recall. The hippocampus doesn't really develop for most people well enough to have long term memory past about 4 years old IIRC from Psychology.

Offline BruceCM

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #305 on: March 17, 2012, 03:15:09 PM »
You like seals, then?  :include:
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!

Offline earthboundmisfit

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #306 on: March 17, 2012, 04:53:35 PM »

7mm mag or 300 win mag?


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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #307 on: March 18, 2012, 12:22:14 AM »
You like seals, then?  :include:
Harbor Seals are my favorite marine mammal.

7mm mag or 300 win mag?
7mm Rem Magnum, some of the 160 gr BTSP have .556 bc and the 175 Grand Slam have a bit less but bc is still good. Great for for killing any game animal in the lower 48. My older brother has a Browning A bolt in 300 Win Mag though which is a very nice gun. IIRC you have to get up to about 200 grains to match the bc of 7mm 160 BTSP. OTOH that 200 grains will probably get 2900 fps @ the muzzle with Retumbo or some such.

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #308 on: March 18, 2012, 04:30:42 AM »
You like seals, then?  :include:
Harbor Seals are my favorite marine mammal.

7mm mag or 300 win mag?
7mm Rem Magnum, some of the 160 gr BTSP have .556 bc and the 175 Grand Slam have a bit less but bc is still good.  Great for for killing any game animal in the lower 48.  My older brother has a Browning A bolt in 300 Win Mag though which is a very nice gun. IIRC you have to get up to about 200 grains to match the bc of 7mm 160 BTSP. OTOH that 200 grains will probably get 2900 fps @ the muzzle with Retumbo or some such.

 By  "lower 48,"  do you mean the 48 continental United States?   :seal:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Offline BruceCM

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #309 on: March 18, 2012, 05:52:06 AM »
Would have to be, taking their guns that seriously!
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #310 on: March 18, 2012, 07:52:06 AM »
You like seals, then?  :include:
Harbor Seals are my favorite marine mammal.

7mm mag or 300 win mag?
7mm Rem Magnum, some of the 160 gr BTSP have .556 bc and the 175 Grand Slam have a bit less but bc is still good. Great for for killing any game animal in the lower 48. My older brother has a Browning A bolt in 300 Win Mag though which is a very nice gun. IIRC you have to get up to about 200 grains to match the bc of 7mm 160 BTSP. OTOH that 200 grains will probably get 2900 fps @ the muzzle with Retumbo or some such.

Talking about Seals and big guns in the ame post? Shame on you. They will not like this attitude back at the commune. Very un-new age, man.  :asthing:
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline BruceCM

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #311 on: March 18, 2012, 08:23:00 AM »
I, at least, wasn't talking about shooting the seals with .44 magnums, loaded with soft lead & so on.... *angel*
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!


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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #312 on: March 18, 2012, 12:30:35 PM »
By  "lower 48,"  do you mean the 48 continental United States?   :seal:
The term you are looking for is contiguous dear. You have a good vocabulary so I believe that was but a minor slip of the brain.  :cbc:

Talking about Seals and big guns in the ame post? Shame on you. They will not like this attitude back at the commune. Very un-new age, man.  :asthing:
Sorry.  :-[ It won't happen again.

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #313 on: March 18, 2012, 01:46:07 PM »
By  "lower 48,"  do you mean the 48 continental United States?   :seal:
The term you are looking for is contiguous dear. You have a good vocabulary so I believe that was but a minor slip of the brain.  :cbc:

 Continental  is how we say it in New England.  :zoinks:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"


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Re: PPK shares with you, his wounded inner child.
« Reply #314 on: March 18, 2012, 02:37:23 PM »
By  "lower 48,"  do you mean the 48 continental United States?   :seal:
The term you are looking for is contiguous dear. You have a good vocabulary so I believe that was but a minor slip of the brain.  :cbc:

 Continental  is how we say it in New England.  :zoinks:
Yes, hers talks just fine. Yes her does. <pats head condescendingly>