Life by itself, strives upwards - to a degree - towards a meaningful and pleasurable existance. The nature of the existance that contain it, however, limits the maximum height that it can reach, and determines the force that continually pulls it - either upwards or downwards. At best, in a theoretical existance where infinite heights can be reached, life would become infinite in every sense, unimagineably positive; at worst - in the opposite kind of existance - striving upwards would merely result in unimagineable agony, and it would go down to nothingness and cease altogether.

One lies in the middle of zero and infinity, and is the middle line. Below that line, life is continually pulled downwards,

and the natural state is one of suffering and decay. Just where the line is, life would be perfectly fine; neither less nor more. It would stagnate, in a state adequately fine for it to maintain itself, but where no further progress would be made. Beyond the line, life would naturally progress upwards; increasingly, exponentially!

The range of this existance is confined to the lower half of the spectrum, between zero and one. While life continues to strive upwards, it is firmly held down, preventing it from reaching the other end of the spectrum. This existance is one of gross, abominable imperfection, where nothing can sustain itself forever. Life is limited, ultimately, though it could temporarily come very close to the middle line. There, however, it could only stay for so long, before being forced back. This is the nature of this existance; infinite chains of decay, each fuelling the next. We are also links in such chains. Many are the links that have fuelled us, and many are the ones we will fuel. Feel the decay as you age and die! Hihihi!
Is this a bad thing? Maybe. Though you cannot really know for sure, can you? It doesn't seem all too nice, though. And there is no way out. NO WAY OUT!!