ever see someone so fucking gorgeous you'll put up with just about anything ?
well, meh. it was fun while it lasted.

You like yours prettier for the most part than I do. Although, I was into pretty probably when I was around your age or a bit younger.
It's worse when it's an ugly! 
pretty boys make my life miserable it seems

but, you are right, it is better than if he was ugly. I guess ? lol
He was a college kid about 2 hours away, I saw him every weekend though for the past few months. I dunno what this weekend will be like without him...
and I almost managed to delete all of his pictures off the computer, by monrning im sure they'll be toast.
I dont want to post his face, cause that would be mean, but here is something I took for our (public) couples profile on CM, that...doesnt....exist....anymore
now THAT is perfect body.
I just had to post it for posterity before I get rid of, oh, about the thousand others on my hard drive :S