I don't think anyone really has anything better than others. You can have all the money in the world, have everything you want etc. yet you can be the most depressed fucker ever. There are people in your situation who are a lot happier than you, so don't consider yourself the worst case possible. I am talking about quality of life, not how much or what one has. This is why I don't envy others, because we probably all feel dead inside in some form.

I have to say it myself, I live a safe and comfortable life yet I have problems with depression. There is really no reason to the depression but unlike some I don't whine about my problems all over the place. This has probably stemmed from being bullied when I was younger, general problems with my family and life in general. I'd still not whine even if I had nothing, because I'd rather think about improving my situation etc.
I am shocked. I knew aspies were supposed to lack empathy, and to some degree I do as well, but I can't believe you are incapable of feeling sympathy.
I can feel sympathy, but only for people I truly care and trust. I find that worrying about people I don't even know just drove me insane with guilt and worry I'd rather not need. Does this make me a cold-blooded psychopath? I personally think not, but you're entitled to your opinion.
I consider you as a friend so naturally I'd care a lot more about you than some random stranger. If you died, I'd be upset. If a stranger died, I'd not really care. I'd consider that it's unfortunate, but millions of people die a year from various circumstances. Caring about it will not stop it. It's just the cold hard reality of life, it's not fair but we all have to carry on.