Personally I think that all the disease and famine in certain areas is a result of overpopulation. The environment these people live in can't sustain that many, at one time people only lived in small villages and that worked fine, but nature keeps things under control. Also the more modernised countries went over to Africa and tried to enforce their way of life everything went down hill from there, they introduced money and all those other things. Also with the population growing at the rate it is all over the world, there is more destruction of the world's resources and chopping down forests. So the environment that the people in Africa thrived on for hundreds of thousands of years when living in small tribes is now disappearing so they're even more worse off.
Sometimes I want to escape from it all and live in some remote tribe in New Guinea or something, I really envy their lifestyle so much it frustrates me So long as the western world doesn't fuck it up for them.