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Is it all about being right?

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As to access to parts of the site otherwise restricted there is not anything there of real value in a call out.  IP numbers and email but what good is that?  Callaways advantage is not so much as being an admin but her use of the search feature and anyone can use that.  Very few things have been judged out of hand and dealt with with the babblzier or sinbining I prefer the latter.  I do agree some people do not know when to stop on both sides


--- Quote from: parts on January 01, 2011, 10:29:57 PM --- Callaways advantage is not so much as being an admin but her use of the search feature and anyone can use that. 
--- End quote ---

That's a good point actually. Callaway gets her reputation because she's good at her research, which is nothing to do with her position

Also if I argue with odeon or callaway, I wouldn't want then dumbing it down for me just because they're more intelligent than I am. As I wouldn't with anyone else here (or offline). For one thing, I wouldn't learn anything if i was babied, but also it would be pretty patronising.

Hm ok.

Soph I'm not talking about patronizing people by babying them. I agree that would be pretty useless.

But I don't think proving you're right about the most minute of details is empowering for anybody. Knowing when to stop is a really important skill in a conflict - so you can call your boss out without getting your ass fired, for example, or so you can deal with fights with your partner without breaking up every time there's a disagreement. It's not just about the facts of the matter. There's interplay of emotions.

@Sir Les - yeah that's true, it would suck worse if the admins weren't smart. But the dogpiling of Richard was ridiculous.

It wasn't just admins that dogpiled richard.


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