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Is it all about being right?

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I never thought it was a conspieracy. I've only said that like 8468921 times, Ist there like a auto prune mechianism on this board? then you wouldnt need 5 people to prune things in every log. If there isnt, Why dont you just do that yourself? I know other webmasters and pruning isnt that difficult of a job. And its not like 1,000 people post here on this website every day

I just think you would have some safeguards in place, so that something like this if it did happen would be ruled yay or nah with confidence

You just act like there was a conspiracy. ::) And no, there is no auto prune mechanism, and no, I don't see a reason to do anything. The only person to see any of it as a problem is you.

The rest of us don't.

The rest of you dont see a problem because everyone hates me. I mean look at it for what it is, so of course nobody will agree with me


--- Quote from: richard on January 03, 2011, 11:56:34 AM ---The rest of you dont see a problem because everyone hates me. I mean look at it for what it is, so of course nobody will agree with me

--- End quote ---

I don't think everyone hates you. I like you, but you have been acting like a total jackass recently. For your own good you should let this go.


--- Quote from: richard on January 03, 2011, 11:56:34 AM ---The rest of you dont see a problem because everyone hates me. I mean look at it for what it is, so of course nobody will agree with me

--- End quote ---

I don't hate you. You're just wrong.


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