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Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: richard on January 03, 2011, 09:52:02 AM ---They cant. because the moderator logs arent up to code, So both of us will just continue to think whatever we think
And no, i was never lying when i said I wanted to be deleted. I tend to get angry and speak before I actually think.

I guess since its obvious I'm posting here, that means just forget about it. But i guess i wont post as often as i use to

I have proved that she had more than enough oppurtunity, to do the thing and in my opinion cover her tracks.
the day it happend, the only other Admin that was logged into there when i brought it up was parts. and he kept logging in and out really quick, didnt know what was going on and said odeon would see that topic. Renadean got on after that and i didnt see odoen until the next day

Thats plenty of time to delete a simple entry in there

--- End quote ---

Any Admin could delete an entry. Doesn't mean they do or that she would be motivated to.
Where is anything close to the prove you expect her to generate, that you have yourself? You say you don't trust her. Fine. You give no proof she or anyone did it. In fact it seems at best unlikely that anyone would under these circumstances. You call her out over this and ask her to prove the impossible. Without offering anything better yourself.
On top of all of this it is "up to code" and in my view ought not be changed. They ought to have the power to Admin and part of that would be having the function to remove superfluous mod logs over the long haul.
So what are you saying you have to prove YOUR claim and what are you saying they ought to do to make the Admin panelk better on the basis that removing the access to alter logs is ridiculous?
If the best you can come up with is a series of "I don't know" then that is pretty fucking weak and I think you surely have enough smarts to realise it to be so.

The reason why i called her out, was because i thought the moderator logs were reliable. They kept saying, "i just checked the moderator log, theres nothing in there that said she did it"


i knew what I know now I would have dropped it. Because I wouldnt have gotten all stressed out over this because its fucking exausting let me tell you


--- Quote from: richard on January 03, 2011, 10:06:34 AM ---The reason why i called her out, was because i thought the moderator logs were reliable. They kept saying, "i just checked the moderator log, theres nothing in there that said she did it"


i knew what I know now I would have dropped it. Because I wouldnt have gotten all stressed out over this because its fucking exausting let me tell you

--- End quote ---

Exactly. Anger should be used for more useful things, bro.

Like masturbating. And I'll leave it alone now, Its never going to go anywhere. But I still think you should disable that feature odeon, Those guys have enough power as it is and really trust is a very important issue

FFS, every fucking board has logs and every log there is can (and should) be pruned because otherwise they grow and take up space with completely unnecessary information. There is no fucking conspiracy. Nobody has touched that log because nobody has a reason to hide anything. The "problem" here is all in your mind.

If anything, that log is not pruned often enough. It's a hundred fucking pages and there is nothing going on in there.



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