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Is it all about being right?

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Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: richard on January 03, 2011, 08:33:42 AM ---I dont expect anyone to tie there brain behind their back baecause they are smarter than me.

Those beer cans sitting on my kitchen were old. I have a nack for not cleaning my kitchen in days, so really thats shotty evidence. you were in my ignore control panel, you had the ability to put me on ignore. you also have the ability to delete the entries in the moderator log. to me, Its more plausable that you did it, thinking I was never going to figure it out to prank me because I was either A) ignoring everyone else B) because I said "i liked looking at what people were working with, insinuating, that i like to see naked people" so you put me on ignore because you dont like looking at such. I must have done it to prove a point? The point if any I was trying to make, was with switching the avatars between male/female parts, Not ignoring people. I would have known if i put myself on ignore because you have to manually type in your screename into that panel

I would have never asked to seen the moderator logs If they would have said, "oh yeah, btw they can delete entries off of there" thats a complete waste of time. when obviously its not going to tell a 100% accurate story. that would be like me handing you some green paper, writing a dollar sign on it, and saying its money.

And parts knows, I was not taking a cheep shot at him. I was trying to say you are more cunning than him. I'm fully aware that he who pays the bills makes the rules, but its like wow. So i guess you can ignore everything i have to say

--- End quote ---

Wow you still think you are important. Oh well you will take your self-importance elsewhere soon right? To all those other forums you grace with your presence and you are getting yourself deleted here.

Right Ricktard?

No you will chicken out again.

By the way as close to completely proving beyond a doubt, Callaway has shown and she has not "pranked you"

You know that she and Odeon have shown you the best evidence on their side. Hell of a lot strong than what you have. What was it you have again? That is right fuck all.

Not to matter. You are leaving and deleting your account right? You told us so.

well I have to admit it, its hard to leave all these posts here. they have proven nothing, not when the moderator logs are unrealiable. and i dont think i'm important,  but the idea of me ruling a small country does sound fantastic :zoinks:


haha. I cant!  :(

Well dayum. Lets talk about something less retarded then.  :autism:


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