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Is it all about being right?
--- Quote from: Pyraxis on January 01, 2011, 11:22:06 PM ---@Sir Les - yeah that's true, it would suck worse if the admins weren't smart. But the dogpiling of Richard was ridiculous.
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Dogpiling of Richard? FFS, Sir Les said I was doing pretty much the opposite but we managed to sort that out. I have *not* treated Richard differently from anyone else.
--- Quote from: Heinrich on January 01, 2011, 10:55:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: parts on January 01, 2011, 10:29:57 PM --- Callaways advantage is not so much as being an admin but her use of the search feature and anyone can use that.
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That's a good point actually. Callaway gets her reputation because she's good at her research, which is nothing to do with her position
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I once referred to her as Teh Librarian of tEh Internet or what ever the fuck it was at the time.
She has talent in searching properly. This is truly a super power when accessing an historic database.
--- Quote from: Sir_Les_Patterson on January 02, 2011, 06:02:41 AM ---I don't believe that you can accurately gauge who on this forum is whose intellectual superior.
That said I believe you are smarter than me Callaway.
I think that there has been probably 3 or 4 occasions that I have disagreed with you and said so. Maybe about the same with Odeon.
I have no problem with disagreeing with you or Odeon or anyone on this site. I (as seen with Odeon) have no problems with calling out anyone if I believe in whatever strongly. I am not intimidated by anyone here and IQ or not withstanding, Pyraxis do you think I am hopelessly outgunned going up against Odeon or Callaway because of my lower IQ?
Do you think I was on the last callout I did?
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I would expect that if an argument is purely logical, then many of those with limited, but adequate intelligence, may have an advantage, due to the fact that they may have the ability to see and focus mainly upon their own goal, while those of annoyingly superior intelligence tend to over think the simplest of issues, often introducing peripheral concerns that can lead to their defeat.
In the case of Richard, it may have been all about being right.
But, from the side of Richard mainly.
There have been attempts to come to other explanations of why he had himself on ignore. But, for him, no matter what, it kept being a necessity that someone had to be blamed. That's where the whole discussion got stuck.
Was it to be avoided?
I fear not. Seems his mind was set to find a scapegoat.
Are there ways it could have happened without anyone being to blame? Could be, but I don't think there was freedom to think in other ways than in terms of guilty or not guilty.
Had this freedom been there, it could have led to interesting speculation in the glitches department. Maybe even with experiments. But, there had to be someone who was to blame. And that was what the debate kept focussing on, not on what could have happened.
And, alas, I don't think Richard could let that idea of someone to blame go. Alas for Richard too. And even if admins and other members had decided to ignore that, and had decided to look for other options, the mindset to find blame was there, and that was not going to change I think.
Apart from the case of Richard.
Are a lot of callouts here nothing but, creative or not creative mudslinging? Yeah, sure. Not all though. I did like the one between Odeon and Sir_Les a lot for example.
Are debates IQ things? Sometimes, but IQ is one thing, what you do with it is another. Some of the most impressive things I have heard came from people who are considered to have an IQ below average. And in callouts here, it isn't always the "smartest" who makes the most sensible comments.
Some members may need protection sometimes, yeah, true too. ZEGH jesting about having had a mild warning not to bully Razorbeard is an example that that does happen here too.
Is there trust needed on a board. Yeah, to make sure you dare to post what you want to say. For me, there is no difference in validity of online or off line relationships. And yes, that means that I can get hurt online as well as off line. So be it. And, I do have some trust in the members here. Some I like, some I do not like or dislike, a few I don't like at all. But, that's a very few.
And Callaway, I don't know much about Callaway, but, her memory is phenomenal, her posts often have a kind of detachedness, not being 'emotionally' involved, more factual. Not better or worse than posts of others, but, different. And, sometimes that changes, and it always comes as a surprise to me. It took a while, but, in the end, being pissed off with Richard did show. And there have been moments where her posts showed a clear "on edge" both in answering Py and in answering Eclair. Is that the real Callaway, and the other isn't? I don't buy that. It's all the real Callaway. Takes longer for her to show or have this 'emotional' involvement. Doesn't mean that she's not real, or better or worse than real when she is not showing that.
So, come loose cts from me. Don't think it is exactly two cts.
--- Quote from: Pyraxis on January 02, 2011, 12:31:52 PM ---
--- Quote from: Callaway on January 02, 2011, 05:40:45 AM ---Heaven forbid we should be smarter than someone who repeatedly accuses us
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He said he was "still bothered" by it and "still wondering". You took that as an accusation serious enough to come out with all guns blazing?
--- Quote from: Callaway on January 02, 2011, 05:40:45 AM ---of some ridiculous wrongdoing, contrary to all the evidence otherwise.
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And when all the evidence is disregarded for apparently irrational reasons, the solution is totally to: (sarcasm alert)
repeat that you think they're wrong
call out perceived flaws in their character (incidentally one of the tactics which leads people to conclude you're high and mighty and ought to be held to a higher standard)
Yeah ok. A couple of kids on the playground pointing fingers at each other and shouting "He did it!" "She did it!" ... so there are still lulz.
But what exactly does continuing to shout accomplish, beyond entertainment for the rest of us? Are you still trying to defend your wounded pride at having someone not believe you're right?
--- Quote from: Callaway on January 02, 2011, 05:40:45 AM ---I think if someone calls me out, they have to accept the risk that comes with that. I'm not going to "tie half my brain behind my back" to make things more equal if I believe the person has a lower IQ than mine. Nor would I expect someone I called out to do that for me if their IQ was higher than mine.
I started out giving Richard the benefit of the doubt and I looked in the mod log to help him figure out what might have happened but I'm not about to admit that I did something I didn't do. Short of that, I don't know what I could have done to end the argument when he decided to call me out again over something we had already resolved the first time.
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Howzabout using a different region of your brain than the hypothalamus to understand that nobody was really going to think the worse of you for walking away? That wouldn't have meant admitting to something you didn't do - it was clear to the majority of people reading the thread that you didn't do it. Even if you were sticking around because you wanted to convince Richard you didn't do it... well since your attempts to re-establish meaningful communication weren't working, even when you quit with the character attacks, that only goes to back up the idea that letting it go for a while might help.
--- Quote from: Callaway on January 02, 2011, 05:40:45 AM ---I guess we should all follow Pyraxis' example in her callout with Lucifer and make sure we call out or are called out only by people who are our intellectual superiors.
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It does keep life more interesting. But it's not just who's smarter than who, also the degree of the difference. I think I went after Lucifer at one point for that too, but I can't remember if it was in that callout. Basically beating up on the crippled because she didn't have the balls to go after anyone who could fight back. It's like she hadn't noticed that she herself wasn't crippled.
But the other question I think you're asking...
--- Quote from: Callaway on January 02, 2011, 05:40:45 AM ---I guess we should all follow Pyraxis' example in her callout with Lucifer and make sure we call out or are called out only by people who are our intellectual superiors.
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I wish I were skilled enough that I were worth following. But if you followed me, you'd probably get your butt beaten around and live in a state of perpetual fear and all you'd have to show for it is some slippery ideal of transcending things I don't even have words for in the name of honor. It's safer and possibly richer to stay put and do your best to make a home among people who don't pose much danger, and that's something I know very little about. Hence my awkward attempts here to encourage it without really having a good picture of what I'm shooting for.
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Richard called me out, saying that he was "still wondering" long after we had already resolved the issue. I didn't call him out. Even so, I think I started out being polite to him, merely reminding him that we had already resolved it and linking him to the evidence I had shown him before. I believe I continued being polite despite Richard's continuing personal attacks about my honesty, my character, etc, until he went after Parts, calling him "doopy".
I believe Richard opened himself up for the question concerning his massive consumption of alcohol as evidenced by the huge number of beer cans on his kitchen counter when he called Parts "doopy" and implied that Parts was unreliable because of it.
I don't think I was using my hypothalamus in the call-out. I think I was using my hippocampus and cerebral cortex.
You seem to be saying that due to our superior verbal skills, Odeon and I should be using kid gloves to deal with someone with like Richard, but since when do you think that Intensity's administrators should act like high school guidance counselors? Not that long ago, you were complaining that Intensity was too accomodating to the "sensitive" people, and you wanted to have it the other way around. Have you changed your mind now?
You leveled against Lucifer a lot of nebulous, vague allegations which were unproveable (IMO) even with your posting of old chat logs of some chats you were not even a party to. I brought it up because for some reason, I'm feeling strongly reminded of that call-out now.
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