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Is it all about being right?

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--- Quote from: daffy duck on January 07, 2011, 10:36:23 AM ---Bawww.

Sir les is going to miss me. Well i wont be missing him!

--- End quote ---

I'll miss you as well. Every forum needs a forum idiot, and you do a hell of a good job at it. I hope you do another humiliating climbdown and decide to stay :2thumbsup:

I think you will miss a forum that doesn't ban you for posting your junk :laugh:

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: daffy duck on January 07, 2011, 10:36:23 AM ---Bawww.

Sir les is going to miss me. Well i wont be missing him!

--- End quote ---

Awww...that is so sweet. Think about how many brilliant posts you will be leaving and the history? Go for the humiliating climbdown Richard. Admit you can't let this all go.  :laugh:


--- Quote from: Butterflies on January 07, 2011, 01:25:30 PM ---
--- Quote from: daffy duck on January 07, 2011, 10:36:23 AM ---Bawww.

Sir les is going to miss me. Well i wont be missing him!

--- End quote ---

I'll miss you as well. Every forum needs a forum idiot, and you do a hell of a good job at it. I hope you do another humiliating climbdown and decide to stay :2thumbsup:

--- End quote ---

It seems as if you and I have come to place where we can agree upon something, however, that last part, I take as humor. 

Despite the fact that I have put him down so many times (trying to make him move on), I hope for his own sake that he can learn to make his own way in life.

I want to see Richard no more. It would be awesome if he went on and found the courage to make his life better.


--- Quote from: parts on January 07, 2011, 07:25:14 PM ---I think you will miss a forum that doesn't ban you for posting your junk :laugh:

--- End quote ---

His junk is cute, but his need to post pics of it is a little worrying.

I hope that he can go on and be happy with his mountains and his agates.

Rocks do not care if one is consistent or not.


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