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Is it all about being right?

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--- Quote from: daffy duck on January 05, 2011, 06:50:13 PM ---And pyraxis i dont know if you know this yet, but odeon pays the bills here so it really doesnt matter what you think.


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She is spot on. I don't mind when people point out my inconsistencies.

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: daffy duck on January 06, 2011, 10:53:07 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sir_Les_Patterson on January 06, 2011, 08:41:02 AM ---The board is set up to make it workable. Things need to be pruned regularly. This necessitates that it is able to be altered. Which software mod or check or point system would you suggest would make this suit your understanding of his running of the moderation panel in a way that does not make anymore work for him or any mods or admin and allows for the system to be better in your estimation. All you are doing is giving vague negativity about shortcomings (as you see them) in the forum software without suggesting an alternative.

So are you going to back your words or are you going to say that there is likely not a better alternative that would not make far more work or perhaps even make the forum unworkable and unmanageable and that you had no alternative all along but just wanted to baww without backing your claim at all?

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Your exatley one of the reasons why I want to be deleted, one day your stupid ass will more than likely become a administraitor here. and we all know what an obsessed, crazy retard you are holding a grudge. no thanks!

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Crazier things have happened.
I am not holding a grudge. I find your general personality annoying and I found that your behaviour is such that give up any rights for being treated with any respect or consideration. For someone like me this is great. I don't feel the least bit guilty flaming you.
If not you it would be General Razorbeard or Pentagram or someone else no doubt....but you will in this respect be missed, Ticker.
You are a a lot of fun in your own way.

^Why do you call richard Ticker?

Al Swearegen:
Oh Ticker is some attention whore and hypochondriac on WP, apparently.
Richard accused me of being one after I had posted about gall bladder going septic, Car crash and a heart attack and then unexplained (then) weight loss.
He reckoned I was a hypochondriac like Ticker. Hell look at his recent form and well let's say he can't spell hypocrisy little lone know the irony of his last few weeks posts


Sir les is going to miss me. Well i wont be missing him!


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