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Is it all about being right?

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Okay, new topic, because the system requests that you don't add to threads that are over 120 days old  :orly:

--- Quote from: odeon on February 14, 2009, 04:20:31 PM ---Discuss. What is Intensity, today? How about tomorrow? And never mind the past; this is about what it is, now, and what it should be. People have left and others have joined. We won't be going back cos we shouldn't. It's not healthy.

Me, I still think that it's about enabling the spazzes cos we won't moderate them unless required to do so by the TOS (bestiality, that sort of thing). It's the place where we can say what's on our minds and be chastised for it. It's the place where we can speak our minds or choose to post mindless banter. It's the place for high Internet drama, and it's the place for sadness and quiet reflection (well, it could be). It's not for the sensitive type, but these days I wonder if it's because of a lack of interest rather than actual fear.

It's also just another message board and as such, not the end of the world.
--- End quote ---

How exactly does it enable the spazzes? It doesn't seem to be about enabling anyone at the moment except the admins. The way things are working right now, the behavior of the most active admins (yes Odeon and Callaway) encourages the members to behave in ridiculous childish ways. The admins already have an advantage, having access to parts of the system that members can't use. They do use this advantage in the middle of callouts when they judge someone's behavior to have gotten out of hand. Odeon and Callaway in particular have intelligence and language abilities beyond many of the people they argue with. I believe that with that advantage comes the responsibility to use it wisely, or increase the general dysfunction in people's interactions.

A person with lower intelligence and literacy doesn't stand much hope of winning a callout based on rational argument. So instead the only paths open are bullheaded stubbornness, spamming, blindly ignoring evidence, etc. This is going to remain true as long as the most intelligent people insist ad absurdum on not only being right, but attempting to force the loser to admit it. It's that same insistence that contributes to the things that suck the most about being here.

People, can you not tell when somebody's beaten? Is it really necessary to grind them into the dirt? Am I idealistic to expect leaders to care more about enabling people than feeding their own already bloated egos?


This will be interesting.

Difference with this place and most other places with "leaders" is that they're not really leaders. I dunno about Callaway, but I'm pretty sure that odeon just posts as any other member would do (except when he's doing admin stuff obviously). I mean I don't think he views himself as some kind of leader of a community as such, so shouldn't have any more expectations placed on him than anyone else posting here

I agree though about admins having access to parts of the system that others can't use. That's pretty unfair if used in a callout, but we can't exactly open everything up to the whole membership

Admins shouldn't be required to behave any "better" than anyone else when challenged imo


--- Quote from: Heinrich on January 01, 2011, 09:26:56 PM ---Difference with this place and most other places with "leaders" is that they're not really leaders. (...)

Admins shouldn't be required to behave any "better" than anyone else when challenged imo

--- End quote ---

It would be nice if it could be separated like that. I don't know what it would take to convince people to think of them like regular members though. Every fricking conspiracy theory seems to somehow involve the abuse of power. I can definitely see the point about an admin being just like any other member in a callout, no separate behavior standards. Actually I think to a degree that is important, or else it's no fun being an admin at all. Since it's not a paid position there has to be some other payoff.

But. There's a cycle here that imo needs to be broken in order to make the place more fun. The point still stands about the skill imbalance encouraging dysfunctional trollike behavior.

Al Swearegen:
Hey I think if we are prepared to come her then we ought to be prepared to back ourselves. Whether we are or consider ourselves stupider or not.
Pyraxis I have a lower IQ than either Callaway or Odeon. I have not got an admin panel. I have argued with both in the past and no doubt will in the future. None of this bothers me. Why?

The thing is too, by what you are saying "That it is unfair because they are smart and confident and so on. What you have not done is look at the alternative. If they were dumb and easily lead and had poor understanding of the admin panel and so on. How well do you think this forum would go? You aren't suggesting this would be better, you would be mad to. What you are doing though is presupposing the alternative is crappy. I don't agree.


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