Author Topic: What have I done to be so hated here?  (Read 4755 times)

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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #120 on: May 09, 2011, 02:53:41 PM »
I'll just listen to some black metal to counteract the effect  :thumbup:

*listens to bathory*
Good idea!  :thumbup: Just imagine how much more of an emo pussy FA would be without Black Metal.  :autism:

Is felching Metal?


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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #121 on: May 09, 2011, 02:57:02 PM »
I'll just listen to some black metal to counteract the effect  :thumbup:

*listens to bathory*
Good idea!  :thumbup: Just imagine how much more of an emo pussy FA would be without Black Metal.  :autism:

Is felching Metal?
:lol: I have no idea. I just had a brief vision of FA sucking pollywogs out of a pig's ass.  :zombiefuck:


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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #122 on: May 09, 2011, 08:36:28 PM »
The thing is, only I and eris know what Black Metal is. Don't even try, that and Doom Metal are way beyond all of your entry-level comprehension of music.

Don't feel bad though, because it's the same way with roughly 99 percent of Americans.

I'm proud not to be part of idiocracy! :thumbup:


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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #123 on: May 09, 2011, 09:01:38 PM »
The thing is, only I and eris know what Black Metal is. Don't even try, that and Doom Metal are way beyond all of your entry-level comprehension of music.

Don't feel bad though, because it's the same way with roughly 99 percent of Americans.

I'm proud not to be part of idiocracy! :thumbup:
That's so special.  :clap:

Offline Squidusa

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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #124 on: May 09, 2011, 09:09:05 PM »
The thing is, only I and eris know what Black Metal is. Don't even try, that and Doom Metal are way beyond all of your entry-level comprehension of music.

Don't feel bad though, because it's the same way with roughly 99 percent of Americans.

I'm proud not to be part of idiocracy! :thumbup:
That's so special.  :clap:

 :indeed: Pentagram is definately the "special" one here.  :zoinks:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #125 on: May 09, 2011, 09:20:30 PM »
The thing is, only I and eris know what Black Metal is. Don't even try, that and Doom Metal are way beyond all of your entry-level comprehension of music.

Don't feel bad though, because it's the same way with roughly 99 percent of Americans.

I'm proud not to be part of idiocracy! :thumbup:
That's so special.  :clap:

 :indeed: Pentagram is definately the "special" one here.  :zoinks:
:agreed: Even pig sex is okay when FA does it.  :zoinks:


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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #126 on: May 10, 2011, 08:26:09 AM »
The thing is, only I and eris know what Black Metal is. Don't even try, that and Doom Metal are way beyond all of your entry-level comprehension of music.

Don't feel bad though, because it's the same way with roughly 99 percent of Americans.

I'm proud not to be part of idiocracy! :thumbup:

I thought you left

Countdown To Penty's Departure

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #127 on: May 10, 2011, 08:46:51 AM »
I don't hate Penty. I hold no more emotional connectivity to him than I do the kangaroo roadkill I passed today on my way to work.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #128 on: May 10, 2011, 09:04:06 AM »
I don't hate Penty. I hold no more emotional connectivity to him than I do the kangaroo roadkill I passed today on my way to work.



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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #129 on: May 10, 2011, 09:22:01 AM »
The thing is, only I and eris know what Black Metal is. Don't even try, that and Doom Metal are way beyond all of your entry-level comprehension of music.

Don't feel bad though, because it's the same way with roughly 99 percent of Americans.

I'm proud not to be part of idiocracy! :thumbup:

I thought you left

Countdown To Penty's Departure

Oh, isn't THAT special? A countdown for my apparent departure, how exciting! :orly:


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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #130 on: May 10, 2011, 09:32:24 AM »
The thing is, only I and eris know what Black Metal is. Don't even try, that and Doom Metal are way beyond all of your entry-level comprehension of music.

Don't feel bad though, because it's the same way with roughly 99 percent of Americans.

I'm proud not to be part of idiocracy! :thumbup:

I thought you left

Countdown To Penty's Departure

Oh, isn't THAT special? A countdown for my apparent departure, how exciting! :orly:

So it is apparent now?  Is this where you officially puss out yet again?

Offline earthboundmisfit

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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #131 on: May 10, 2011, 12:10:51 PM »

Someone just give me a recap of what I have done ever since I have joined, because I forget a lot of times. The only members who are nice to me are the females. Most of the males (and the one shemale one here) are assjocks to me.

You've been an asshead from day one.

Spell NIGGER right! There's no black people to offend in here, is there?

So do what DukeNukem tells you to do and...


 :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph: :soph:

Is your computer crashing yet?

 :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit: :lolhit:  :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :asthing: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :violin: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2: :headbang2:

I am no one's sock puppet. I come on here and say whatever the fuck I want, without any guidance or control whatsoever from anyone else but me!

I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck!

The little boy in the movie Home Alone has dick sucking lips. :lolhit:

Alright! Fight retards, FIGHT! :soph:

You look fat in that avatar.

I still think you look fat in your avatar, Celticgoddess. I don't masturbate to fat women!

I could go on. And on. And on.

Before you get pissed at me for this response and accuse me of "trolling" you, keep in mind people's reactions to you are a direct result of your own actions.

I'm assuming you don't act this way in real life, or your metal forums. Why would you think your behavior would be accepted here? This may be a forum full of autistic spazzes, but there is still an accepted set of behavioral rules, just like real life.

I see a lack of impulse control, and I get that. It's something I struggle with as well. If you truly want to change and want help, ask. I know how it feels when you are just being yourself, and it seems like no one likes you.

Offline odeon

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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #132 on: May 10, 2011, 03:45:35 PM »
So true. Not that he'll listen.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #133 on: May 10, 2011, 09:25:11 PM »

Any thread made by me in the past which gets bumped for no reason will be locked from now on.

Go fuck your mothers in her tit.

Thank you very much and have a nice day! :laugh:

Offline odeon

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Re: What have I done to be so hated here?
« Reply #134 on: May 11, 2011, 02:59:37 AM »
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein