You spammed the forum childishly because you did not like other people discussing a topic that you could have easily avoided. In doing so, you made the forum difficult to navigate and you interfered with the freedom of people to discuss topics on I2. You then demanded that another member be punished with an ultimatum to (essentially) hold the board hostage to your whim until he was sinbinned.
Mmmmm... that must have been exceptionally evil of me... Holding the entire board hostage until Ricktard got banned. Even though that was ultimately a failure, that just sounds so badass to me... 
It would have been, if your plan had had a chance in hell of succeeding. As it is, it was simply an easily-reversed childish stunt.
And before you start planning even more drastic stunts to appear "badass", it's worth noting that odeon and the administrators can reverse almost anything you could conceivably do to I2. Furthermore, engaging in even more childish measures will not endear you to the denizens of this board.