I think FA loves attention, of any kind, be it negative or positive. And he'll do anything to get it. Even to lower himself to the racist and utterly boring shit he is trying now. Everything for a reaction. The only attention he does not seem to like is blabberising.
He could just be missing Butterflies. But his way of showing that is low and shitty.
What is the history of bad blood between the two youngsters? Was FA
at some point by SBI? Why the extensive use of the term nigger by FA? Is ancestry the sole reason for his dislike of SBI? Or is he too lazy or incapable of coming up with a more original insult? How about it guys? Is there a history from WP? Or is this shit strictly from this site?
Don't think FA ever lasted long enough on WP to get a history with SBI, so, lazy and incapable of creativity are probably what is causing this.