has already been here and left presents for my husband and daughter.
Nothing for you? 
Oooops. Takes Renaeden to notice. 
Have you been good last year Callaway? Or are there things you didn't tell us?
*whispers* Callaway IS Santa! 
I kind of did play

this year. My daughter helped me decorate the small live tree we bought and we went out to buy some small lights because the ones we had for the small live tree last year no longer worked and I thought it would take too long to check them. Even so, the only place still open was Walgreen's and she bought her dad a Christmas stocking and a Santa hat and some candy to fill it. I didn't think of getting a stocking for me as well.

She helped me finish decorating the tree and filled her dad's stocking and fell asleep on the couch in the family room.
My husband fell asleep early because of jet-lag from his recent trip to the Middle East. He had hidden our daughter's new laptop computer and I had to wake him after the other

stuff was under the tree to get him to retrieve it, but he was too tired to get up to do it. Fortunately, she was still asleep Christmas morning when we got up and he was able to retrieve the laptop from its hiding place and slip it under the tree before she woke up.