Author Topic: The reason I'm like this  (Read 10461 times)

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2010, 02:32:34 PM »
Eris, you're right.  I'm using Richard as a whipping boy for something that's totally unrelated to him.


that doesnt even make sense. I said that you are entitled to be upset with him.

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2010, 02:35:08 PM »
Yeah, I know, and I know what he said to you recently. I just think that particualr thing he said was genius. :zoinks: You've got a right to be upset with what he said to you but everyone is pretty fucked up on the inside, but a few of us are just fucked up on the outside, too. In the same way you dont have to live up to his standards he doesnt need to live up to yours, either.

I agree to a point and I like Richard too, but I think people should keep their disagreements just between the adults and leave people's kids out of it.

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2010, 02:36:20 PM »
Eris, you're right.  I'm using Richard as a whipping boy for something that's totally unrelated to him.


that doesnt even make sense. I said that you are entitled to be upset with him.

Freedom of speech doesn't give you the mandate to use it if it's harmful or cruel.  One of the reasons I stopped listening to Rush Limbaugh (although it didn't take much) was when he made fun of Chelsea Clinton's looks.  Sure he had to right to comment, but it was irrelevant to her father's presidency and cruel to her.
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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2010, 02:37:05 PM »
I just think that particualr thing he said was genius. :zoinks:  the same way you dont have to live up to his standards he doesnt need to live up to yours, either. I sense some hostility in you and I think it is kinda pointless.
:plus: yes, I would never expect anyone here to live by my morals. I'm not jesus christ :zoinks: and the queen is a spiteful evil little cunt. Just post something she doesnt agree with and see how red her hair really gets.

Well excuse me your majesty, but it isnt about you. and i dont want to be friends with 98% of the people here.
you all eat the same dog food, and flock the same way. no fucking thanks, my friends know who they are.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 02:39:25 PM by scorn »


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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #34 on: December 17, 2010, 02:37:11 PM »
Friendships involve fairly complex group dynamics, so you have to "fit in" in some degree. Trying too hard to fit in or appearing completely odd will most likely ruin the group dynamics, so a compromise is needed.


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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #35 on: December 17, 2010, 02:37:34 PM »
I don't think you're the one who needs to apologize, Queen Victoria. Not by a long shot. :orly:


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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #36 on: December 17, 2010, 02:41:37 PM »
Eris, you're right.  I'm using Richard as a whipping boy for something that's totally unrelated to him.


that doesnt even make sense. I said that you are entitled to be upset with him.

Freedom of speech doesn't give you the mandate to use it if it's harmful or cruel.  One of the reasons I stopped listening to Rush Limbaugh (although it didn't take much) was when he made fun of Chelsea Clinton's looks.  Sure he had to right to comment, but it was irrelevant to her father's presidency and cruel to her.

Yeah, Ive always said that what he said was wrong and he shouldnt have mentioned your kids. It is just that I dont think arguing with him is going to fix anything.

Try to just say "C'est la vie", and try to not let it bother you too much. Ive been hurt so much in my life I just dont get hurt anymore. C'est la vie.

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2010, 02:45:34 PM »
True and as I explained earlier, it was a way of venting over something in my life that doesn't involve Richard.  My anger should have stayed within my house. 

I do try not to let people's statements get to me, but I'm only human.  I'm still not upset over his post about my daughter, just his monotony.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2010, 05:20:14 PM »
better tell your boss and children to leave the room!


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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #39 on: December 17, 2010, 05:58:35 PM »
I hate fake people, or trying to fit in. I want to get to know the real person
Are you saying that's the real you, richard?

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2010, 06:58:10 PM »
Eris, you're right.  I'm using Richard as a whipping boy for something that's totally unrelated to him.


that doesnt even make sense. I said that you are entitled to be upset with him.

Freedom of speech doesn't give you the mandate to use it if it's harmful or cruel.  One of the reasons I stopped listening to Rush Limbaugh (although it didn't take much) was when he made fun of Chelsea Clinton's looks.  Sure he had to right to comment, but it was irrelevant to her father's presidency and cruel to her.

I remember when he made fun of Amy Carter's looks and that's when I decided to stop listening.  My husband, who kept on listening, told me that even his own mother chastised him over that.

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #41 on: December 17, 2010, 07:02:33 PM »
Well we all know that Ricktard is a retarded, spiteful, loser with no real idea of the world he lives in, an poorly understood and confused opinion on everything (which he conveys stupidly), is a hypocrite of unfathomable degrees and has no redeeming qualities.

We are all up on this aren't we? Sticky Ricky get over yourself and your past. I am not going to cry over your bad fortune. Did not involve me and therefore I or anyone not involved in it, need not be exposed to your issues. Wipe your eyes Princess I don't give a fuck.

Sorry is this all clear or was this a tad too subtle.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2010, 07:31:01 PM »
Well we all know that Ricktard is a retarded, spiteful, loser with no real idea of the world he lives in, an poorly understood and confused opinion on everything (which he conveys stupidly), is a hypocrite of unfathomable degrees and has no redeeming qualities.

We are all up on this aren't we? Sticky Ricky get over yourself and your past. I am not going to cry over your bad fortune. Did not involve me and therefore I or anyone not involved in it, need not be exposed to your issues. Wipe your eyes Princess I don't give a fuck.

Sorry is this all clear or was this a tad too subtle.

It's about as subtle as as something I'd say.  :laugh:

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #43 on: December 17, 2010, 07:34:01 PM »
 This news item was posted today on
CDC: Majority of U.S. adults had troubled childhoods  
Many parents say they hide their stress from their children, but psychological researchers say kids are more aware than adults think.
Almost 60% of American adults say they had difficult childhoods featuring abusive or troubled family members or parents who were absent due to separation or divorce, federal health officials report.
In fact, nearly 9% said that while growing up they underwent five or more "adverse childhood experiences" ranging from verbal, physical or sexual abuse to family dysfunction such as domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse, or the absence of a parent, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

"Adverse childhood experiences are common," said study coauthor Valerie J. Edwards, team lead for the Adverse Childhood Experiences Team at CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. "We need to do a lot more to protect children and help families," she said.

About a quarter of the more than 26,000 adults surveyed reported experiencing verbal abuse as children, nearly 15% had been physical abused, and more than 12% — more than one in 10 — had been sexually abused as a child.

Since the data are self-reported, Edwards believes that the real extent of child abuse may be still greater. "There is a tendency to under-report rather than over-report," she said.

The findings are published in the Dec. 17 issue of the CDC's journal Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

For the report, researchers used data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, which surveyed 26,229 adults in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Tennessee and Washington. Edwards is cautious about extrapolating these results, but based on other data they probably are about the same in other states, she said.

While there were few racial or ethnic differences in reports of abuse, the report confirmed that women were more likely than men to have been sexually abused as children. In addition, people 55 and older were less likely to report being abused as a child compared to younger adults.

One theory why older people did not report as much childhood abuse is that since these takes a toll on health in adulthood, many of these older abuse victims may have died early, Edwards said. The CDC report, for example, notes that adverse childhood experiences are associated with a higher risk of depression, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, substance abuse and premature death. "So (childhood abuse) may be associated with years of life lost," she said.

There was no difference in the number of people reporting childhood abuse in any other age group, Edwards added.

Adverse childhood experiences included in the report included verbal abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, incarceration of a family member, family mental illness, family substance abuse, domestic violence and divorce.

According to the report, about 7.2% had had a family member in prison during their childhood and 16.3% had witnessed domestic violence in the family home. In addition, about 29% grew up in a home where someone abused alcohol or drugs. "These cases occur across all racial groups and ethnicities," Edwards noted.

Almost one in five respondents (19.4 percent) had lived as a child with someone who was depressed, mentally ill or suicidal, the report noted.

Although the volume of abuse and dysfunction is significant, such traumatic experiences cannot be used to describe a person or determine what that person will be, the researchers cautioned. Instead, they said, keeping track of these abusive experiences is important to gain a better understanding of them and their effect on society.

In addition, it's crucial to work harder to prevent abuse and household stress as well as finding better ways to identify and treat children at risk, they said.

"For adults who have had these experiences and feel they are still causing them problems, they are not alone and there is help available," Edwards said.

Dr. Lee M. Sanders, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine said that "one of the things we don't realize when we look around at our neighborhoods and communities is that these problems are so common."

"That's something to be concerned about. That's something to take communal action on," he added.

Identifying and treating abuse early can prevent many serious health consequences later in life. Programs that provide quality care for children, as well as home visitation programs in early infancy and parenting programs, are part of the solution to this problem, Sanders said.

"These interventions are important not just because abuse is so common, but because of the lifelong health implications," Sanders said. "There is a connection of these events to lifelong implications, not just for mental health for adults, but also for physical health."

For example, a person who has several of these events is more likely to get cancer and heart disease, Edwards said. "This is serious and it's not just a quirk of statistics. It's a real relationship."

A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

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Offline Loki

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Re: The reason I'm like this
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2010, 08:36:59 PM »
Sorry to hear about the abuse. I think to some degree, most of us have been abused in some way or another. Some far worse than others. It can shape who we are, create cycles of abuse, or teach us to be different.
Usually, it just fucks us up in some way or another.
About trying to fit in. I don't think any rule applies to everyone. Everyone has their different needs and wants. Some people try really hard and too hard to fit in. Some people give up. I don't think anyone can really give advice on that, you've gotta figure it out for yourself.
I don't really have much family, at least that I want anything to do with. i didn't fit in with all the other kids at school. But eventually, I've made a family of friends. True, it's fallen apart and we've all moved to different parts of the country.
I'm feverish, drinking nyquil, beer, and smoking hash, so this is all sentimental garbage, but I'll go on anyway.

To me fitting in, isn't about trying to be like the other people around you, because there's so many flavors of people, and we all don't taste good together. It's about finding those few people who you don't have to TRY to fit in with, but just do. For some people it's easy, I don't know why, wish I did. Changing yourself to be accepted by others just doesn't feel right to me. For me, it's about finding those few people you can connect with.

Anyways, isn't this place for just that? Being yourselves, even if you're an asshole, or a sweetheart, or a social retard. Whatever.
Continue fighting please, hopefully a winner will be announced soon. The prize is a year's supply of Chocodiles. Yay.....