This message board is without a shadow of a doubt a shining light among many internet forums
devoted to all things Asperger's syndrome and Autism.
Its intelligent, measured leadership; strong tradition of debate; its pursuit of fairness and
the truth and its proactive support of activism and advocacy make it a positive, empowering,
and lively place to exchanges messages at.
But what's the use of being right, of discovering great truths, of pursuing enlightenment and
development and a better life if you have only a handful of people as your audience; the people
all internet forums have, those small band of people known as "regulars"?
I urge that action be taken by individuals, who have the ability and the means to do so, to
invite more professionals, carers, partners and friends associated with people who have Autism
and Asperger's.
Once these people come here often, and feel as welcome as the ones who make this our home, we
will have achieved an audience, and if we are wise and sensible then we can convince more
people of the need to see Autism and Asperger's in a positive light; we can aid more people in
attaining better education, work and social lives for people they know; we can demonstrate that
we are happy to be the way we are and that we are variously clever, funny, skilful, talented,
useful people who contribute as much as anyone to other people's lives.
We are not self-centred people who live in their own little world as ignorance would have us known.
Let's demonstrate that.