I got into the Post-Punk stuff mainly because a friend of mine liked it, and over time she introduced me to it and I liked it. Her favourite band was Joy Division too but I was already partial to them since I liked New Order beforehand. Quickly became my favourite too. Maybe it's because I fancied her, but we lost communication a couple of years ago. She probably killed herself or something, can't seem to find any trace of her since.
I don't like a lot of Pink Floyd either, but I really like "On The Run". Mostly due to it's synth sequence though, sounds very unusual and very similar to what Tangeriene Dream and the like where doing a few years later. This pattern usually applies with a lot of other songs I like that aren't prodominitely electronic (Including Joy Division). I normally can't stand music that doesn't have at least some synth in it, but I do appreciate a bit of classical and rock.
I don't like a lot of metal because the sounds just irritate me and all this "dark" bullshit added to it IMO makes it pretentious as fuck. I like my fair share of noise and general distortion but I'd rather hear bleeps and bloops than some long haired eejit wearing a codpiece furiously masurbating his guitar by playing 3 notes really fast.
Post-punk is really where it's at

I am also a huge fan of Bauhaus and Dalis Car and other german influenced so called"dark punk" from the late 70s and 80s. Velvelt Undergrounds " Rosegarden Funeral of Sores" ( Peter Murphy Version) just sums up that whole dark-punk shit for me. I am also a fan of New Order and other synth New Wave stuff from the 80s. I love Depche Mode.
You made a really good point about how people become interested in music. You like what you like because of the kind of person you are, etc. etc. See, I grew up in the 90s with a bunch of punks and metalheads, so, it is what shaped me. I am older now and most of my friends are still punks. I AM open to a lot of things, though, obviously, and I dont let "genre" tell me what to think, but it is a good way to guide yourself in finding new bands.
Oh, and Doom Metal is practically punk.

It is obvious when you listen to it. It is really nothing like any other kind of "metal" out there, and it is basically harcore punks nihilistic cousin. i understand the influences go back to Black Sabbath, but ALL modern metal music goes back to Black Sabbath.

yes yes yes yes , I understand the complaints of too-fast guitars and screaming vocals, but not all metal is like that. Even the blackest of black metal can be ambient, and 100% synth. Here is a "black metal" song that has NO guitars, NO screaming, and it is NOT heavy at all.
sounds like techno, huh. it's black metal