So yeah apparently I disgust you , Your fault for beliveing that I *was* female , yes you are correct that picture I showed was obviously from myspace, Why didn't you pick up on this?
[Thu 10:13] <General Razorbeard> Squid probably looks like shit IRL, moreso than I, probably fat and smelly.
Hon its impossible to look worse than you , I could get dragged through a bush backwards , smear myself with horse shit and get Richard to cum all over me with his big fucking peter and I'd STILL look better than you. (I'd rather fuck pentagram actually
Btw Fat? errrr............... My ribs say otherwise
How do you "look" smelly anyways?
I despise people like you, distorted monkey, go to the zoo and eat your free bananas.
Still hung up on the Darwin theory? awwww
Btw the only bananas I accept are connected to a man
Who else reckons Razor sees himself as this?