like my pun?
some dude on the other forum commented how FB deleted his account, for using a "fake name"
and from other sources, it seems almost like a matter-of-time thing, if they find obvious fake names, like "shitface" your account will be deleted

Why was my account disabled? Your account was disabled because the name under which it was registered was fake. We do not allow users to register with fake names, to impersonate any person or entity, or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent themselves or their affiliations. In addition, Facebook accounts are intended for use by single individuals, so groups, clubs, businesses, or other types of organizations are not permitted to maintain accounts.
He used the name "Manzin etc.", hes a goth-model, going by the name of "Manzin"
i guess its just a matter of time then
before we're all back on Myspace :]