
Author Topic: Sex on the Beach.  (Read 16914 times)

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Offline Loupgarou

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Sex on the Beach.
« on: December 05, 2010, 10:10:27 PM »
Okay, please get off your chest whatever it is you want to say. This is not to turn in to bickering as I am not a bickering person. What I am allowing you to do is vent your spleen for whatever ails you for you show me hostility almost constantly. If there is no hostility and I am imagining things, then so be it and we shall be on our merry way.

I have reached a level of anger with you, and in my pain state, it is making me avoid this site almost daily, and wish to clear it up. I need to know if the pain is making me overreact or you really do have a problem with me.

"Long-winded speech is exhausting. Better to stay centered". - Lao Tzu


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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 10:49:10 AM »
I don't have a problem with you because I don't know you. What I do have a problem with is the constant stream of bullshit that you post. You seem pretty adept at talking out of both sides of your mouth, which is to be expected from someone whose mind has been damaged by religious indoctrination. In one post you claim to be a logical thinker, then a few posts later you make rhetorical arguments that are mostly logical fallacies. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what you say, because you'll end up contradicting yourself a few posts later. When confronted with these contradictions, you'll rationalize them somehow. It's what George Orwell calls "Doublethink". It's very common to encounter doublethink in people with a religious mindset. You have claimet to excel at theology, which means you excel at doublethink because theology contains internal contradictions which must be rationalized away.

Offline Loupgarou

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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 03:56:10 PM »
Thank you for replying. I now know where things stand.

"Long-winded speech is exhausting. Better to stay centered". - Lao Tzu


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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 04:13:18 PM »
Well, that was boring. *drops popcorn*

Offline Loupgarou

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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2010, 05:31:33 PM »
Having considered my position, I cannot let this lie. I made an oath to myself many years ago that I would never act out of anger, or that my nasty side would see the light of day, but I have reached the end of my endurance.

SOTB, I have dealt with people that would make you look like the proverbial infant in terms of viciousness and nastiness. I have learnt from the best. I took your name calling and gross genralisations on my modus operandi and attacks on my religious history with grace. I even considered some of your insults and out of respect for your ideas, gave them some credence. But because I happened to disagree on a few topics and insulted your very intelligence ::), you became judge, jury and executioner. You can disagree with me, but cruelty due to the need to be right all the time, is just banal words. It is not Logic, but emotion. Anger is how you operate, not the divine and calm search for the truth.

You are narcissistic and insecure. You cannot operate on any platform other than the one you have created for yourself, and so help anyone that dares to disagree with you. Never, during my time as a competitive debater, have I ever had it reduced to name calling. In fact, I would have been expelled from the sport if I had reduced myself to that, yet you do it and call it Logic.

If I am a "double thinker" then so be it. "The words of truth are paradoxical"- Lao tzu. How correct this statement is. Your need to prove yourself, is without boundaries. I wonder how far you get with that. In my experience the people who speak the loudest, have very little to say, and you fit that category perfectly. If human evolution is to go the way of the bigot and self-riteous, then count me out. I am quite happy where I am. It is your fierce need to be heard that strengthens my misanthropy. I run away from people like you, because I am scared of how I may incriminate myself. Just because I do not act with violence anymore does not mean that I do not have to constantly keep it in check.

And they called me a sociopath many moons ago. You take the cake on that score. Baseless cruelty and name calling makes me angry, arguments do not. If you think I am a moron basically, then why do you respond on my threads? Why do you bother? Well, I guess that there is a part of you that will do anything to debase me. To bring me down to your level. If you have so little respect for me, why torment yourself with what I have to say? It is not because you like to argue facts, it is because you like to start fights, and the reason I know this is the response you gave to my website. I would have preferred that you either not look at it, or simply say "Loup you are a wanker, and I HATED your website". Instead you just reduced it to mush without even asking first what I was trying to do with it. You do not know what courage it took me to find a voice, or the difficulty I had in raising the money to buy the domain and get it hosted. If you didn't like it, fine. If you disagreed with it, fine, but don't ask me if it all relates to "kool aide" or whatever the quote was.

And if my predictions are right, you will scream and rage around with what I have just said, and you will accuse me of some fallacy, and you will then resort to more name calling and so on. Ah, how the world turns based on what you say! Without your never ending stream of profanity and crudeness, the world with cease to spin on its axis and we will all die. Such an inflated ego you have!

Now, I shall sit back and watch the tantrum, or you may surprise me and have something meaningful to say.


"Long-winded speech is exhausting. Better to stay centered". - Lao Tzu

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2010, 05:46:50 PM »
Well, that was boring. *drops popcorn*

*picks Schleeds popcorn back up and hands it back*

This ain't over yet methinks  :zoinks:

I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline Adam

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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2010, 05:53:10 PM »
I dunno wwhat this is about but I'm gonna have to take Loup's side... she's just so much better looking than you scrap :P

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2010, 05:56:23 PM »
I dunno wwhat this is about but I'm gonna have to take Loup's side... she's just so much better looking than you scrap :P

 I love the way you think Soph I really do  :laugh:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2010, 06:00:48 PM »
She did make a few good points. Scrap, for such a "free thinking" aspie warrior against all that is evil, you are the very definition of a complete fucking eejit. Yes, "free thinking" is having BULLSHIT! as your name because some cool guys who you sheepishly (baaaaa, BAAAAAA) get your opinions from has a programme called that. Then claiming you hate the EVIL SYSTEM while you have no problem eating food from major food chains and such. You'd probably even bend over and recieve anal sex happily from a politician while shouting "DOWN WITH THE SYSTEM!!", like the doublethinker you are. :orly:

ps. I am in no way a "free thinking independent person". I just like to stir shit. :zoinks:

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2010, 06:05:35 PM »
ps. I am in no way a "free thinking independent person". I just like to stir shit. :zoinks:

 :plus: for honesty :P
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2010, 09:40:17 PM »
Having considered my position, I cannot let this lie. I made an oath to myself many years ago that I would never act out of anger, or that my nasty side would see the light of day, but I have reached the end of my endurance.

SOTB, I have dealt with people that would make you look like the proverbial infant in terms of viciousness and nastiness. I have learnt from the best. I took your name calling and gross genralisations on my modus operandi and attacks on my religious history with grace. I even considered some of your insults and out of respect for your ideas, gave them some credence. But because I happened to disagree on a few topics and insulted your very intelligence ::), you became judge, jury and executioner. You can disagree with me, but cruelty due to the need to be right all the time, is just banal words. It is not Logic, but emotion. Anger is how you operate, not the divine and calm search for the truth.

You are narcissistic and insecure. You cannot operate on any platform other than the one you have created for yourself, and so help anyone that dares to disagree with you. Never, during my time as a competitive debater, have I ever had it reduced to name calling. In fact, I would have been expelled from the sport if I had reduced myself to that, yet you do it and call it Logic.

If I am a "double thinker" then so be it. "The words of truth are paradoxical"- Lao tzu. How correct this statement is. Your need to prove yourself, is without boundaries. I wonder how far you get with that. In my experience the people who speak the loudest, have very little to say, and you fit that category perfectly. If human evolution is to go the way of the bigot and self-riteous, then count me out. I am quite happy where I am. It is your fierce need to be heard that strengthens my misanthropy. I run away from people like you, because I am scared of how I may incriminate myself. Just because I do not act with violence anymore does not mean that I do not have to constantly keep it in check.

And they called me a sociopath many moons ago. You take the cake on that score. Baseless cruelty and name calling makes me angry, arguments do not. If you think I am a moron basically, then why do you respond on my threads? Why do you bother? Well, I guess that there is a part of you that will do anything to debase me. To bring me down to your level. If you have so little respect for me, why torment yourself with what I have to say? It is not because you like to argue facts, it is because you like to start fights, and the reason I know this is the response you gave to my website. I would have preferred that you either not look at it, or simply say "Loup you are a wanker, and I HATED your website". Instead you just reduced it to mush without even asking first what I was trying to do with it. You do not know what courage it took me to find a voice, or the difficulty I had in raising the money to buy the domain and get it hosted. If you didn't like it, fine. If you disagreed with it, fine, but don't ask me if it all relates to "kool aide" or whatever the quote was.

And if my predictions are right, you will scream and rage around with what I have just said, and you will accuse me of some fallacy, and you will then resort to more name calling and so on. Ah, how the world turns based on what you say! Without your never ending stream of profanity and crudeness, the world with cease to spin on its axis and we will all die. Such an inflated ego you have!

Now, I shall sit back and watch the tantrum, or you may surprise me and have something meaningful to say.



Holy FUCK what a huge piece of psychological projection THAT was. :rofl:

Offline Loupgarou

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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2010, 12:10:43 AM »
........or my other prediction, that you will laugh and make fun of it.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2010, 12:13:08 AM by Loupgarou »
"Long-winded speech is exhausting. Better to stay centered". - Lao Tzu


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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2010, 01:27:24 AM »
........or my other prediction, that you will laugh and make fun of it.


This isn't PREdiction, it's POSTdiction.


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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2010, 11:40:42 AM »
Well, Loup put me on ignore, I guess that means I won.

Should I bother to address her points one by one, or is it not woth the effort??


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Re: Sex on the Beach.
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2010, 11:49:36 AM »
Loup has me on ignore for the 3rd time, but this video is for her.  >:D