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Sex on the Beach.

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No not crazy at all! I wondered if you had studied Taoism in your Philosophy degree. And yes, it does relate to the definition of Discordianism(sp) after reading a blurb about it.

I question nothing and everything in equal measure, if that is possible. I question my place in this process. I also subscribe to Chaos Theory and String Theory and a whole bunch of other theories, but I always question.....Do I have bias? Am I prejudiced? Does that fit my ethos? Am I projecting on to it? Do I see only what I want to see? and so on.......

I ALWAYS have struggled with my human nature, and have always tried to rise above it, but that notion is flawed to some can I ultimately rise above what I am? I wish my brain was in a robot and I existed on pure data and true and false statements, but then, or so I have been told, I would not experience love, hate, joy, suffering, learning, growing and so forth. So somedays I exist in a "soup" of sorts, displayed in my single-celled origins, going with the current hoping to reach land and sprout legs ;)

humans are humans, faith is faith, science is science........and our understanding of the world, is created, with evidence or not, by humanity. No more, no less and that is what I have come to accept.



--- Quote from: Loupgarou on December 17, 2010, 01:59:47 AM ---"In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat, but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory."
- Alfred North Whitehead.
--- End quote ---

Despite Whiteheads contributions to philosophy, logic and epistemology, he occasionaly said completely stupid things like this.

--- Quote ---I believe in Logic, but accept the illogical.

I believe in science, but accept faith

I accept Science, but believe in Faith

I believe that the only certain thing, is uncertainty.
--- End quote ---

War is peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is strength.  ::)

--- Quote ---I believe that just because it is not "truth" or "evidence based" does not mean that it does not exist.
--- End quote ---

But without evidence, how can you possibly have a meaningfull discussion about it??

--- Quote ---I believe that I am full of contradictions, full of hypocrisies and full of flaws.........and most likely full of shit most of the time :zoinks:
--- End quote ---

fixed. 8)

--- Quote ---But I am wise enough to know that I am human, and wish to question my very existence. Because if we existed on the "known", we would never seek to answer or accept the unknown.
--- End quote ---

Yet that's exactly what religion does. It gives us false answers for the unknown and in the process it shuts down discovery and research.

--- Quote ---Extreme polarity causes stagnation.......
--- End quote ---

dogma causes stagnation.

--- Quote ---tolerance, maturity and some heated logical debate is what drives man to evolve, and THINK and appreciate points of view.
--- End quote ---

good so far...

--- Quote ---And one must contradict oneself, to understand the others' point of view, in order to debate it. All the scientists that I have worked with, constantly contradicted themselves in the search for evidence based truths.
--- End quote ---

no, you just have to be able to play devil's advocate with yourself.

--- Quote ---Yes, I am fiercely Roman Catholic, but that does not mean that I cannot observe its flaws. I do not confuse religion with faith, even though they are not mutually exclusive. I just concentrate on trying to be a  fair, kind and compassionate human being. That was my harsh lesson in this tenuous existence.
--- End quote ---

How can you correctly observe the flaws of something you defend on loyalty??

--- Quote ---... and the only true thing, is that NOTHING is true, it is only perception.........we are not evolved enough to see the TRUTH, for if we did, we would probably die on the spot from the horror and simplicity of it.
--- End quote --- it again Sam!!!

War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength


--- Quote from: Semicolon on December 17, 2010, 02:01:08 PM ---.... Also, neutrality is always an option in a philosophical debate. Disregarding that option in this debate is disrespectful to those who hold that point of view, and it creates a false dichotomy between your views and a straight religious viewpoint.

--- End quote ---

I should've clarified. Neutrality is not an option when you care about what is most likely to be true, and you find yourself in a world of deliberate mis-information.

What a fascinating thread. Not that people haven't argued these things ad infinitum already, but I find it quite curious which people are presenting which arguments.

These seemingly contradictory statements, "war is peace", "freedom is slavery", "I believe in science, but accept faith", etc., simply illustrate the flaws of language to distill precise and complex concepts.


--- Quote from: BULLSHIT! on December 17, 2010, 08:04:36 PM ---
--- Quote from: Loupgarou on December 17, 2010, 01:59:47 AM ---"In formal logic, a contradiction is the signal of defeat, but in the evolution of real knowledge it marks the first step in progress toward a victory."
- Alfred North Whitehead.
--- End quote ---

Despite Whiteheads contributions to philosophy, logic and epistemology, he occasionaly said completely stupid things like this.
--- End quote ---

Is it stupid because it does not support your point of view?

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."
 - George Orwell


"Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"(but it is also their right not to listen! :2thumbsup:)
 - George Orwell


"Happiness can exist only in acceptance"
 - George Orwell

and my favourite.........

“One who is too insistent on his own views, finds few to agree with him.”
- Lao Tzu.

The more you speak with anger and vitriol, the more you strengthen my conviction, my belief. Thank you!

Amen to that :thumbup: ;)



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