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Sex on the Beach.

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--- Quote from: eris on December 17, 2010, 02:28:46 PM ---

Neutrality means you don't have an opinion -   caring or not caring doesnt matter. Nothing really matters with neutrality.

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Sometimes merely observing and holding no opinion is the most honest and pure way to reach a conclusion. I can honestly say, that I "practice" neutrality, after a young life filled with yelling my dissent with faith. I was a strong atheist, after a childhood and teenage hood with the Church. I decried God to my clergy mentors! And I went on with strong vicious opinions and mocked anyone who "believed" in God. And I screamed around, and no-one listened, and I grew up and matured, and things happened to me that I could NOT explain by science. So I LISTENED and observed and held no opinion, for I wanted to hear people without bias, and THAT is when people would listen to me. I did not have to shove it down their throats like some madman. I became......impartial and that is when I learned my greatest lessons. I loved both atheists and believers, yet chose to avoid, extremists as I once was, for I had nothing of value to say, and neither did they. I did not receive the TRUTH....for the truth was mired with bigotry and anger.

As far as philosophy goes I am considered a "radical sceptic" or an Idealist......but these are just words and meanings for those words. Really I am just more simple, complex and more often than not, neutral by choice.


"Je pense donc je suis" , I think therefore I am .... Descartes

No one ever gets this right  :duh:

It only means that your (doubting) mind exists. It proves nothing about the existance of anything else, including your body or the city of Paris or the entire universe. Existance does not need to exist in orer for your mind to exist. For you could just be dreaming.

And Im talking about Discordiansim. Chaos Theory, etc. To the stupid, think of it this way " there is no spoon"

I could probably even argue existentialism to this point.

Here, Ill let a "real" philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard say it better

 x" thinks
 I am that "x"
 Therefore I think
 Therefore I am
Where "x" is used as a placeholder in order to disambiguate the "I" from the thinking thing. For Kierkegaard, Descartes is merely "developing the content of a concept", namely that the "I", which already exists, thinks.

The logical flow of argument is that existence is already assumed or pre-supposed in order for thinking to occur, not that existence is concluded from that thinking


--- Quote from: Loupgarou on December 17, 2010, 03:10:19 PM ---
Sometimes merely observing and holding no opinion is the most honest and pure way to reach a conclusion. I can honestly say, that I "practice" neutrality, after a young life filled with yelling my dissent with faith. I was a strong atheist, after a childhood and teenage hood with the Church. I decried God to my clergy mentors! And I went on with strong vicious opinions and mocked anyone who "believed" in God. And I screamed around, and no-one listened, and I grew up and matured, and things happened to me that I could NOT explain by science. So I LISTENED and observed and held no opinion, for I wanted to hear people without bias, and THAT is when people would listen to me. I did not have to shove it down their throats like some madman. I became......impartial and that is when I learned my greatest lessons. I loved both atheists and believers, yet chose to avoid, extremists as I once was, for I had nothing of value to say, and neither did they. I did not receive the TRUTH....for the truth was mired with bigotry and anger.

As far as philosophy goes I am considered a "radical sceptic" or an Idealist......but these are just words and meanings for those words. Really I am just more simple, complex and more often than not, neutral by choice.


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Well, "practicing" neutrality isnt the same as really "being" neutral. It seems like you were just figuring out your opnion, not that you didnt have one. It is ok to to keep your opinions to yourself, and it is ok to not have things figured out yet. But not "not care" about something is just ignorance, and I dont get that from you. I think you care :) you're just thinkin' bout it.


--- Quote from: eris on December 17, 2010, 03:16:04 PM ---
--- Quote from: Loupgarou on December 17, 2010, 03:10:19 PM ---
Sometimes merely observing and holding no opinion is the most honest and pure way to reach a conclusion. I can honestly say, that I "practice" neutrality, after a young life filled with yelling my dissent with faith. I was a strong atheist, after a childhood and teenage hood with the Church. I decried God to my clergy mentors! And I went on with strong vicious opinions and mocked anyone who "believed" in God. And I screamed around, and no-one listened, and I grew up and matured, and things happened to me that I could NOT explain by science. So I LISTENED and observed and held no opinion, for I wanted to hear people without bias, and THAT is when people would listen to me. I did not have to shove it down their throats like some madman. I became......impartial and that is when I learned my greatest lessons. I loved both atheists and believers, yet chose to avoid, extremists as I once was, for I had nothing of value to say, and neither did they. I did not receive the TRUTH....for the truth was mired with bigotry and anger.

As far as philosophy goes I am considered a "radical sceptic" or an Idealist......but these are just words and meanings for those words. Really I am just more simple, complex and more often than not, neutral by choice.


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Well, "practicing" neutrality isnt the same as really "being" neutral. It seems like you were just figuring out your opnion, not that you didnt have one.

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True, in some cases Eris. In some situations, I was simply neutral without practicing. My kung fu master used to say to me, "long winded speech is exhausting, better to stay centred" and that was the seed planted that changed my view of the world forever, among other things......

Neutrality and non-judgement are some of the cornerstones of Taoist philosophy, as well as their counterparts. All things exist and nothing exists, very loosely speaking. If anything, I am a practicing Taoist, that accepts that things exist, purely because people believe it to be so, and who am I to question that? :dunno:

Just made me a much more peaceful person in some respects.

Now I am taking my family to the beach, for some non-thinking :zoinks: My psychologist ordered it :thumbup:


so you are the uncarved block  :zoinks:

It is possible to trancend human nature, I suppose. Being non-judgemental doesnt mean you dont secretly judge someone, though. And you've got to be truely Zen for it to work, though. Ive studied Taoism and , honestly, it is a lot like Discordianism. Things only exist if you want them to exist.

I believe in Chaos, and no I do not mean "dissaray". Chaos is everything, the sum total of all things. it is order and disorder at the same time. But as the same time that everything is "chaos" and, essentially, "metaphysical soup", but there are still "Circles" everywhere.

Circles are order. The human body is a circle, for example. No matter how much you "believe" that you can fly, those little circles of order are going to bring you come crashing down to earth.

these circles confuse our pathetic little human minds. I think is someone were to actually trancend these circles, they could really fly !

Wow I just sounded like a crazy person.


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