Arena for the Competitive > Main Event Callouts

Sex on the Beach.

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--- Quote from: Schleed on December 06, 2010, 04:13:18 PM ---Well, that was boring. *drops popcorn*

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*picks Schleeds popcorn back up and hands it back*

This ain't over yet methinks  :zoinks:


I dunno wwhat this is about but I'm gonna have to take Loup's side... she's just so much better looking than you scrap :P


--- Quote from: Heinrich on December 06, 2010, 05:53:10 PM ---I dunno wwhat this is about but I'm gonna have to take Loup's side... she's just so much better looking than you scrap :P

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 I love the way you think Soph I really do  :laugh:

She did make a few good points. Scrap, for such a "free thinking" aspie warrior against all that is evil, you are the very definition of a complete fucking eejit. Yes, "free thinking" is having BULLSHIT! as your name because some cool guys who you sheepishly (baaaaa, BAAAAAA) get your opinions from has a programme called that. Then claiming you hate the EVIL SYSTEM while you have no problem eating food from major food chains and such. You'd probably even bend over and recieve anal sex happily from a politician while shouting "DOWN WITH THE SYSTEM!!", like the doublethinker you are. :orly:

ps. I am in no way a "free thinking independent person". I just like to stir shit. :zoinks:


--- Quote from: Schleed on December 06, 2010, 06:00:48 PM ---ps. I am in no way a "free thinking independent person". I just like to stir shit. :zoinks:

--- End quote ---

 :plus: for honesty :P


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