Well, can you atleast understand why it looks like you did? and Ok, I'll take your word for it then.
personally I tell lies but i'm just bad at it, 
anyways i'll move on now and hopefully we can still be friends
I can understand why you might thnk I did, but I think you are jumping to conclusions unsupported by the evidence.
Anyway, I'm glad that you are finally willing to take my word for it and we can move on.
I think you meant to say unsupported BY evidence, not unsupported BY THE evidence, since there was no evidence in either direction. 
But there is evidence, the moderation log. It shows that nobody messed with Richard's ignore list except for himself.
Even though you can't see this log, Odeon, Parts, renaeden, and I can, so we can all see that nobody except for Richard could have done it.
Remember that time years ago when you deleted my "Questions" thread? I knew that you had done it because of that moderation log, so if anyone but Richard had done it, it would be there.