auties always need to grow up 
I reckon I have a mental age of between 13 an 15.
my first gvt appointed shrink concluded that i am basically just an asshole, and need to grow up 
im so glad we managed to dig up a specialist
i didnt even know they existed. turns out they do!
last week i even met ANOTHER aspie specialist!!!
i got these awesome tests also, i felt like a testmonkey, little lame puzzles, and "what can you tell me about this picture" and stuff 
That seems screwed up. I think I'm quite intelligent. I'm just emotionally very immature.
I've never been involved in testing though. I was diagnosed, and that was the end of it for me. From then on it was an excercise in pretending I was normal 
when were you diagnosed?
ive been pretending the whole time, i found out about aspergers some years ago, a "OMG" experience, and since then i let go a looot, and just found out how to be myself
I was about 11 at the time. I was just starting high school. I told my best friends, but they all went to a different school to me. None of the people at my school realized why I was such a freak 
here its still a bit vague and unknown, my mother seems in denial, which is annoying. we ended up not even talking :I
my dad is in full acceptance of it, which is neat
friends dont matter, lost them all, all got left is a schizo and a fellow aspie