I thought you were Bi.
Are my hopes of having a nasty 3 way with you and one of your smoking hot girlfriends dashed forever?? 
I'm not totally sure what i am. Im gay, but I do have a bit of interest in guys. Sorry if that makes no sense to you. It doesn't make any semse to me either
I do have a really hot best friend, and she's straight. So. Who knows 
Come this spring, when the North Atlantic isn't so stormy, I'm going to see if a cardboard box can be made to be seaworthy! 
Shouldn't take too long to paddle to N.Ireland. 
My friends really hot, and she'll fuck anything that moves, so you might have a good chance. I can't promise I'll join in though, although, I really fancy her, so maybe I'll just watch as you two go at it

I wish I were asexual. Then I wouldn't have any of the problems that both gayness and straightness brings, especially to a not-so-handsome-and-charming guy like me, who probably could not get laid (for free) even if his life depended on it.
Are you bi? If you are, then you'll have no problem finding a guy to experiment with. Eris mentioned Craigslist, and it might be a good place to start.
And as I've said. You ain't as bad looking as that pic of you suggests, and you are a nice guy. You probably aren't anywhere near as hopeless a case as you think you are. Like I said, if I were straight, and I lived close to you, I'd certainly give you a chance. There are a lot of girls more with lower standards than me who might be up for meeting you, providing you do not indulge in any of the jackass behaviour that you can occasionally get involved in.
Try joining a dating site. OKcupid would be my choice, but Plentyoffish might be good as well. They're both free, and have tons of members. Even my cousin managed to find dates on them :lol: