Author Topic: I think I'll look for another forum.  (Read 5141 times)

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Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #45 on: November 28, 2010, 10:45:22 AM »
No, don't blabberize me. I don't know what to do.

If you want to stay and fit in then you really only have one option. You have got to be nicer to people. Even people that you don't like. For instance, you might hate Soph, but like some of Sophs friends. What do you think Sophs friends think of you when they read some of the nasty things you've said about him? Even though you might feel Soph deserves your abuse, all it really achieves is to alienate you further from the people that like Soph.

You have been unpleasant to certain people in the past, and these people have remembered your insults, and are repaying them now that your behaviour has started to deteriorate. You are seeing that as bullying, and to some extent I suppose it is. You need to rise above it, because the people who are giving you the abuse feel juustified in their actions.

There are some people on this site who have stuck up for you, and tried to persuade others to go easy on you. Your behaviour over the last few days has made it impossible for us to continue doing that.

You really were doing so well for a while, and you were really making a lot of people reconsider their negative views on you, but you seem to have undone so much of your good work with a few days of terrible behaviour.

Overall, you need to be nice to everyone, and stop with the outbursts. If you feel angry, and want to scream at people, then stay away from this site until you have calmed down. If people annoy you and you feel abusive towards them, then once again, go away and calm down and don't come back untill you are calm again. If you continue to be abusive to people, you will eventually find less and less people prepared to give you another chance.

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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #46 on: November 28, 2010, 10:51:48 AM »
What she said.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.



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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2010, 10:56:09 AM »
I think Duke is just fucking with us.

The only way to shut him up is to track him daown and give him the good ass fucking he's asking for. :ATM:


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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2010, 11:05:41 AM »
No, don't blabberize me. I don't know what to do.
fix your fucking teeth and you will type normal


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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2010, 11:34:03 AM »
No, don't blabberize me. I don't know what to do.

If you want to stay and fit in then you really only have one option. You have got to be nicer to people. Even people that you don't like. For instance, you might hate Soph, but like some of Sophs friends. What do you think Sophs friends think of you when they read some of the nasty things you've said about him? Even though you might feel Soph deserves your abuse, all it really achieves is to alienate you further from the people that like Soph.

You have been unpleasant to certain people in the past, and these people have remembered your insults, and are repaying them now that your behaviour has started to deteriorate. You are seeing that as bullying, and to some extent I suppose it is. You need to rise above it, because the people who are giving you the abuse feel juustified in their actions.

There are some people on this site who have stuck up for you, and tried to persuade others to go easy on you. Your behaviour over the last few days has made it impossible for us to continue doing that.

You really were doing so well for a while, and you were really making a lot of people reconsider their negative views on you, but you seem to have undone so much of your good work with a few days of terrible behaviour.

Overall, you need to be nice to everyone, and stop with the outbursts. If you feel angry, and want to scream at people, then stay away from this site until you have calmed down. If people annoy you and you feel abusive towards them, then once again, go away and calm down and don't come back untill you are calm again. If you continue to be abusive to people, you will eventually find less and less people prepared to give you another chance.

I don't feel like I can fix things at this point. I think the only solution is for me to leave this site. I can't discuss anything that I like with anyone here, someone always calls me out for whining or something stupid like that. I'm sick of it. I don't see anyone trolling you or anyone else like that. I try to be nice to those who are nice to me, but it's hard to be nice to those who insist on insulting you about everything. Like Shleed or Soph. I didn't even notice Soph until he started to spam my disability thread with stupid pictures for no reason. I have done quite a few mistakes, but for people to just hold that against me so strongly is just... so NT. Ever since I first discovered WP and eventually other autism-related forums, I thought I would finally "fit-in", to have that feeling of being able to socialize with others. My hope for that has been effectively destroyed because I have worse social skills than even low functioning autistics. I feel like I could just take my computer and just throw it out of the window because I'm so retarded! Maybe I just expected too much from the autism community? I have made very very few friends from it, whom I don't even communicate with very often. And most of them are FEMALES, who probably just pity me.

If I can't make just one true friend that doesn't just pity me, then what's the point in life? If I were suicidal, I probably would have taken my life a long time ago. I'm sorry to be so depressing, but until I learn how to be actually happy and communicate "properly", I may never have a chance at fitting in anywhere.


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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #50 on: November 28, 2010, 11:45:55 AM »
You did a similar thread before, so I highly doubt you will improve.

The reason why barely anyone takes you seriously is:

You consider yourself better than others.
You take the piss but you can't handle it back.
You constantly whinge.
You play the victim card.
You consider anyone who doesn't agree with you as some "filthy NT".
Spam images for no reason.
Large fucking text.
General unfunnyness.

I honestly think you should be blabberized, so you'll have no choice but to leave.

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #51 on: November 28, 2010, 11:53:41 AM »
If I were suicidal, I probably would have taken my life a long time ago

I am sorry you feel like that, and maybe taking a few days away from the site might be a good idea.

I don't see anyone trolling you or anyone else like that.

No, I've probably just been lucky, but you have to just ignore any abuse you feel you take.

but it's hard to be nice to those who insist on insulting you about everything. Like Shleed or Soph.

Fair enough. Maybe ignoring them would be more sensible.

I have done quite a few mistakes, but for people to just hold that against me so strongly is just... so NT.

Sadly, us aspies can be every bit as bitchy and unforgiving as NT's. We are not better than people who are NT, any more than they are better than us. I would say this site is actually very forgiving, and when you were making an effort to be nice I would say the majority of people on the site reciprocated your actions.

My hope for that has been effectively destroyed because I have worse social skills than even low functioning autistics.

Your social skills aren't great, but they aren't terrible either. Your biggest problem appears to be your lack of control on this site.

I'm sorry to be so depressing, but until I learn how to be actually happy and communicate "properly", I may never have a chance at fitting in anywhere.

Once again. Cut out the angry outbursts and your chances of fitting in here will greatly increase. If you can't stop the anger, then at least make sure you don't show it.


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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #52 on: November 28, 2010, 11:54:26 AM »
If I can't make just one true friend that doesn't just pity me, then what's the point in life?
its not all about you and if you dont like the way YOU are then change it. If you are unable then leave, because your a fucking train wreck! and really everyone here is tired of your fucking mood swings

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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #53 on: November 28, 2010, 01:17:48 PM »
No, don't blabberize me. I don't know what to do.

I have no intention to.
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- Albert Einstein

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #54 on: November 28, 2010, 01:30:15 PM »
Duke, no offense but I always find it very ironic when people complain about how they get treated when they just act like jerks themselves. It shocks me they would complain (and I find that annoying too) because what do they expect? Are they that oblivious about their actions? But if they brag about what they do online such as trolling and trying to destroy a forum and bragging about pissing off a person, that means they are aware of their actions and not oblivious to it. But how can they not know people will not give them respect if they act that way? This is something I do not understand.

If you want respect, I would cut all of this out and start being good on the forums and to people and it might take a while to get respect because it might take people a while to realize you have changed. But because you have always gone back to your old ways, people might just think you will be bad again and not give you another chance and be nice to you. Sometimes past actions you do can hurt you in the future, that is if you keep crying wolf by stopping your behavior and then going back to it. Then people just stop taking you seriously and stop trusting you and think you will just slip back to your old self. For me, it takes two times for me to not trust that person. Be bad, then say they have changed and stopped, bam go back to it, then they stop again and then say they have stopped, then do it again, I doubt they have stopped when they said they have once again. I don't give them another chance and I stay skeptical of them. For that to stop, they have to be good for a really long time, maybe a year or a few years before I realize they have truly changed. And I make it that difficult for them because it's my way of knowing they have changed than them faking it because who will keep an act on that long?

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #55 on: November 28, 2010, 02:41:57 PM »
first he wants to be pitied

then hes sick of the pity

then he wants to be pitied

then hes sick of the pity

then he wants to be pities

and this cought in THIS thread, in the reply quotes.




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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #56 on: November 28, 2010, 03:56:53 PM »
I don't want to be pitied nor flamed. I just want everyone to let me be myself! :grrr:

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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #57 on: November 28, 2010, 04:20:57 PM »
I don't want to be pitied nor flamed. I just want everyone to let me be myself! :grrr:

Of course you can be yourself, but if being yourself means that you flame other people from time to time, other people may also flame you, and not necessarily only the specific people you flame but also their friends as well.

If someone doesn't flame you back after you flame them, it may be because they pity you, or it may be because they just aren't the sort of person who goes around flaming people.  I don't usually go around flaming people, but I do if I think they have pushed me far enough.


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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #58 on: November 28, 2010, 04:53:06 PM »
I don't want to be pitied nor flamed. I just want everyone to let me be myself! :grrr:

If being yourself means being an annoying cunt, then sorry I can't tolerate that.


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Re: I think I'll look for another forum.
« Reply #59 on: November 28, 2010, 04:56:17 PM »
I don't want to be pitied nor flamed. I just want everyone to let me be myself! :grrr:

Sounds like you would be best off confined to your own forum.

Hey I've got a SMASHING idea.... lets make Duke the new Modulator!!!