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What is the purpose of intensity squared?

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For me, it's one of the only places I know of where I can just relax and totally be myself without fear of doing something wrong or saying something wrong or offending someone, etc, etc.

Plus, I'm not really capable of maintaining friendships offline, so it's somewhere that I can have some human contact.

It looks like the purpose of intensity is to deviate from its purpose.  :D


--- Quote from: Nomaken on October 19, 2006, 03:19:36 AM ---It looks like the purpose of intensity is to deviate from its purpose.  :D

--- End quote ---

likely it will always move in the direction of the majority of its posters.  thanks to freedom and democracy.

well i pretty much gave up on posting on other sites looking for support because certain people were kissing ass to their atvantage having my topics removed deleted or whatever. that shit wont fly with me, so i needed to find a site were it wasn't like that at all. and found it!

We are a dumping ground for asper trolls and the otherwise seriously messed up aspers, with the aim being eloquence and standing firm in one's beliefs.


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