the other day, i sat up at night, as usual, got up and off to the bathroom, as often, and kitty fanatically ran out my room-door, into the livingroom, to bask around, as usual
on my way back from the bathroom, i was gonna give her a quick pet, but she jumped away, tail up, running off to hide - as not so often

totally in a catch-me mood, this awwed me out enough, so i ran after her a little, tickle tickle, all that, but im boring, so i got up and took a step to get back to my room again
she hurried off and escaped again
i just cant let her run off like that, and not chase. thats like playing hide and seek w a kid, and just ditch the kid hiding somewhere.
so i chase her again, untill she sortof dissapears
and then i become really curious, where the hell DID she hide?
i look high and low, untill i finally find her crammed together, all laxin' under a slim shelf
i think at least shes done playing. i give her a quick pet, take a step, and wham shes all over my foot killing it w teeth and claws

and zoom, shes off fleeing again