Author Topic: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?  (Read 8844 times)

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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #105 on: November 05, 2006, 12:42:59 PM »
Don't get a room you two, get exhibitionism!
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #106 on: November 05, 2006, 01:01:43 PM »
Don't get a room you two, get exhibitionism!


Offline Nomaken

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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #107 on: November 05, 2006, 06:27:54 PM »
Don't get a room you two, get exhibitionism!


And get sadomasochism.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
Reverence is fine, Sanctity is silly.
We're all fucked, it helps to remember that.


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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #108 on: November 05, 2006, 08:03:59 PM »
Don't get a room you two, get exhibitionism!


And get sadomasochism.


AW shit, now I have to go scrub my brain, I haven't had to do that since the time I saw segments of the Paris Hilton Porn video :darnit: :puke:


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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #109 on: November 05, 2006, 08:58:30 PM »
Grreuuggh, Paris Hilton. To put it bluntly, I wouldn't fuck her with yours... :happypuke:


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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #110 on: November 05, 2006, 09:43:11 PM »
Grreuuggh, Paris Hilton. To put it bluntly, I wouldn't fuck her with yours... :happypuke:

Yeah, but i'd fuck the dogshit out of her with yours!!!  :LMAO:


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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #111 on: November 06, 2006, 04:00:06 AM »
You better wash that before you give it back, or I'll be forced to cockdrop you with it. :moon:


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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #112 on: November 06, 2006, 05:47:04 AM »
Grreuuggh, Paris Hilton. To put it bluntly, I wouldn't fuck her with yours... :happypuke:

I wouldn't fuck her with ANYBODIES.......... :snake: :eh:

Offline CanyonWind

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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #113 on: November 08, 2006, 10:14:45 AM »
I can't believe what a worm convention this place is.  Nobody's mentioned the ultimate evildoers who rule in absolute power; the feminists; the gender Taliban.  Also the homosexuals, only because I've never in my life heard of a homosexual who was forsaking personal advantage to stand up to butch the feminist.

Other than that, I have absolutely no objection to homosexuals except that they have annoying voices, but so do aspies, so I better shut up about that.  It doesn't affect me in any way who they want to fuck and fall in love with, so I have no reason to care.

I don't know if there's somebody so oblivious they haven't noticed that an awful lot of feminists are lesbians.  Not all of them are; some of them are just stooges for the lesbians, and gay men are honored by the feminists with the status of honorary women, kinda like Hitler said the Japanese were "yellow aryans."

If there is an exception out there I don't know about, like one homosexual who isn't riding in the feminist parade float, then I honor my gay brother or my lesbian sister.  I just never heard about them.

I should make it clear I'm not against women and I'm not against equality.  My daughter's captain of her college rugby team.  She rips ass on the other teams, but she's about as butch as pollyanna.  She's an individual, not a member of a gender.  Not all white people are Ku Klux Klan supporters, and not all females are feminists.

Also, I don't understand this thing with "mexicans." I'm using quotes because most of the people who hate them are too dumb to know there's more than one country south of the United States, the same as there's more than one country in Europe. A lot of "mexicans" aren't from mexico and a lot of the ones from other countries don't even like mexicans.  One Costa Rican I worked with used to think it was funny to insult me by saying I spoke spanish like a mexican.

Yeah, they live with a lot of people in one house.  My dad's family were east european jews who came to america with nothing because they heard it was against the law to kill jews here.  They usually had several families living in one apartment and everybody hated them too.

 I've been around latin americans a lot through several years of working construction, and as a group the've treated me a hell of a lot better than the generic white folks.  I ain't gonna hate them until enough of them give me a reason.  I grew up in the american south getting called a "nigger lover" by people who insisted I was too dumb to know what black people were really like.  This doesn't look any different to me.
Lay on, MacDuff, and cursed be he that first cries, "Hold. Enough."

-MacBeth, when he realizes the witches have set him up and he is moments away from being killed.


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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #114 on: November 08, 2006, 10:46:58 AM »
As a woman I have my own opinions of the positive and negative effects of the second wave of feminism but its going to take me longer than I currently have to give you a proper answer on the matter, but I will do later when I have more time.

You criticism the people of this site for making assumption yet you also make assumptions yourself, lumping all feminists together as if they all share the same beliefs and have the same agenda.

Offline DirtDawg

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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #115 on: November 08, 2006, 11:22:48 AM »
Hey, CanyonWind,

Before you go too far off the deep end, raking me over the coals for having an unpopular opinion, I happen to know the difference between many of the various subcultures directly south of the USA. I grew up in south Texas as a minority, (fifteen percent white, eighty five percent Native, Mexican and mestizo) and most of my friends were Indian, mixture or hispanic, to use the modern term.

I certainly recognize the people down the street who steal from me on a regular basis. They are from Tamaulipas and feel it's just fine to continue to live as they always have, stealing from "The Man" for a little personal gain. If there is any unjustified prejudice here it is from those who think of ME as the same evil assholes as those who have oppressed their people for several generations. Stealing is wrong. That is the only complaint that I have with those so called neighbors of mine.

I mentioned I had no problem with their living arrangements, already. I understand the poverty they are pulling themselves out of. Their noisy fucking hotrod cars are not much different from any cars driven by other young men, trying to make a statement of status, showing off their freedom and generally making pests of themselves. I'm cool with that ... you should have seen MY noisy-assed hotrod, when I was about twenty.

To be quite honest I was thrilled to see them move in at first, because I have really missed their music, and I was hoping for some contact that would remind this old fart of his youth. It was a bad idea for them to start stealing from me, even though I have enough to go around the neighborhood. That selfish anti-social act has re-confirmed some of my prejudices, even though I feel diminished spiritually by those feelings.


I have already figured out how I'm going to approach them next year when my garden is in full production. I plan on gathering the first "extra" bag of vegetables and taking it down to them as a peace offering and appealing to the matriarch, who I've already had contact with, about living together as good neighbors. I'm hoping to convince them to start over on the 'right foot'.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2006, 11:31:58 AM by DirtDawg »
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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #116 on: November 08, 2006, 12:17:49 PM »
+karma for DirtDawg's approach to the problem.  Good luck!

Offline Nomaken

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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #117 on: November 08, 2006, 12:35:48 PM »
I don't hate feminists.  I hate assholes.  Not assholes who know they are assholes, they get exception just for acknowledging their behavior and being fine with it.  Assholes who don't know or care or are willing to acknowledge theyre assholes bother me.  Not all feminists are assholes, far from it.  But there are plenty of feminists who are assholes, and I dislike them.  I don't dislike them because they have backward views about progress in equality, and their hypocrasy, and their discrimination, and their arrogance, and their righteous attitude, i hate them because they are assholes.  But this is nothing to say about feminism itself.  I might have never met a person who called themselves a feminist who isn't an asshole, but i'm not gonna condemn the idea of feminism because nobody has lived up to it.  Just as I will not condemn nihilism itself or eugenics itself just because everybody who says they belong or support either of those two things has been an idiot or an asshole.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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We're all fucked, it helps to remember that.

Offline QuirkyCarla

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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #118 on: November 08, 2006, 03:19:40 PM »
I don't hate Mexicans. I've just noticed that a lot of them are, IMO, rude. I'm not an idiot, I know there are a lot of other countries in South America. I'm speaking specifically about the Mexicans. Unlike a racist, I'm not going to assume someone is rude just because they're Mexican. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt first. But I've had some experiences with Mexicans that really irritated me.

1) I went to a rated R movie recently, and there was a whole family of Mexicans being really loud and rude. They showed up like a half hour into the movie (what's the point of going if you're that late?) and disrupted everyone. They even had small children with them (to a RATED R movie!), including a baby and were annoying throughout a good portion of the movie.

2) I was a cashier at a supermarket, and was checking out a group of Mexican men. After they put all their stuff on the belt, they rudely just left their cart in the middle of the checkout lane because they weren't going to use it anymore. The lady behind them said, "Excuse me, I can't get through with that cart there" and they just laughed and didn't move it.

3) This didn't irritate me, but I once lived with a Mexican girl who ate meat with her bare hands instead of using a fork and knife. Don't get me wrong, I loved that girl, but I agree with DirtDawg about them being "scavengers."

Now this stuff doesn't apply to all of them of course; I'm just pointing out that I've noticed a cultural difference and some of it is irritating.

Offline CanyonWind

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Re: Which ethnicitiy or gender or sexual orientation is annoying you this year?
« Reply #119 on: November 08, 2006, 03:45:23 PM »
Hey DirtDawg

Now I'm feeling all guilty and shit.  You're right, I got carried away there.  I've read enough of your posts over at goody goody land to know for sure that you ain't dumb.  I might not always agree with you, but you always make sense, and I haven't seen you fuck with anybody who didn't deserve it, and even then, you haven't gone overboard with it, like me for example.

I don't like getting ripped off either, so I should be able to understand why you're offended.  I'm predicting your strategy for next year will work better than you expect.  You're probably gonna end up with a whole lot of home cooked mexican food.

Anyway, I hope you accept my apology because you don't deserve to be insulted, not right now anyway.  I'm going to shut up now before I get accused of being a self hating homosexual.

Lay on, MacDuff, and cursed be he that first cries, "Hold. Enough."

-MacBeth, when he realizes the witches have set him up and he is moments away from being killed.