African American is a shit name though. 
What do you suppose we call these... strange creatures? 
How about just Americans?
what if theyre from Kenya?
or Mozambique?
or ANGOLA!!?!?
i talked to some british/indian guy who insisted he "did not see race". what a prick.
i asked him word by word "so when someone is black, you do not notice?"
"i do NOT! all humans are the same!"
what a dickhead. i hate that sort of attitude. its like when homophobes go "gays are okay as long as they dont touch me!"
OF COURSE you notice when someone is black, or asian, or a pale shiny white scandinavian w his shiny white hair and naive blue-eyed face
everybody and anybody notices.
if someone is black, ill refer to them as "someone black", just like ill go "someone freckled" or "someone fat" or "someone turk-looking" or "some swede"
people are so oversensitive and overly pc sometimes.