Hi........ *tries to stay blissfully unaware of everything happening here this evening*

I wonder if someone can give me advice on my cat and what might be wrong with him.
Some info about said cat:
- He's 13 years old.
- He's hungry all the time.
- He has clumps of fur falling out from around his hip bones (only on his hip bones, nowhere else. Rather large patches on either side, each about the size of a cassette tape)
- He
appears to be a good weight and doesn't look all that skinny. He has felt lighter over recent months to pick up and carry.
- He gets fed three times per day; morning, evening (200gm each meal) and "kibble" late at night.
- He had an abscess several months ago, and while getting it drained and treated, the vet did tests of his liver and kidneys because he was old. Tests came back perfect.
- He is regularly given worming treatment.
Based on advice she received from workmates, my mother thinks he might have a thyroid problem but I'm not sure.
Does anyone have any insight as to what might be wrong?