Well to address the OP's question from a technical standpoint, it's possible to check someone's online status by using one of those MSN status checker websites. I've never used one myself and I've heard of them just being an avenue for spammers to collect addresses. That, and most people have "only people on my allow list can see my status and send me messages" ticked in their settings in whatever messenger program they're using. The status checker websites don't work if a person has this ticked (it's usually ticked by default when people first install windows messenger). Get a mutual MSN contact to report if she's online or not.
Well, according to the aMSN FAQ, it is currently impossible to check to see if someone blocked you. The fact that it was possible was a "bug" in the system that Microsoft fixed some time ago. So any website that claims to check to see if a contact blocked you or not will just take your account credentials and spam your ass. Of course, I figure that Duckfetishgirl cockblocked me that night.
As my friend used to say, "Damn Microsoft bastards".

And anytime a chick blocks a guy on the Internet, I call it a "cockblock".