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RobertN's classic.

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--- Quote from: kevv729 on October 12, 2006, 10:16:12 PM ---I am wondering how has a official diagnosis of AS like I do? :LOL:

--- End quote ---

Who's how? Is he related to what?

And yes, I have an official AS dx. I don't have the Eamonn stamp of approval, however, but I'm working on it.


--- Quote from: odeon on October 13, 2006, 01:13:12 AM ---And yes, I have an official AS dx. I don't have the Eamonn stamp of approval, however, but I'm working on it.

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yes the crucial eamonn exemption.


--- Quote from: Lucifer on October 13, 2006, 12:46:50 AM ---i haven't; can't afford the luxury of an assessment and can't get one on the NHS, and anyway, this thread's been Killed By Death, cos people have questioned diagnoses.

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I'm more in favour at lumping everyone here with all these spectrum diagnosis' simply "autistic" rather than using a half-arsed piece of work like the autism spectrum that Lorna Wing (the person who coined the idea in the first place, apparently) disowned -- a concept that other neurologists took literally.

Btw, Asperger wasn't researching a new form of autism, he was simply researching the same thing as Kanner was. (Duh, there are other autism researchers besides Kanner and Asperger, you know.)

Note that I am not attacking anyone here with this message, but simply expressing my anti-spectrum stance. Why? Because I am fed up with the hypocrisy that the elite autistics are guilty of doing -- a downward social comparision of a person's talents, intelligence, and emotive appeal that the so-called "NTs" are supposedly guilty of doing.


--- Quote from: thepeaguy on October 13, 2006, 06:09:03 AM ---
--- Quote from: Lucifer on October 13, 2006, 12:46:50 AM ---i haven't; can't afford the luxury of an assessment and can't get one on the NHS, and anyway, this thread's been Killed By Death, cos people have questioned diagnoses.

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I'm more in favour at lumping everyone here with all these spectrum diagnosis' simply "autistic" rather than using a half-arsed piece of work like the autism spectrum that Lorna Wing (the person who coined the idea in the first place, apparently) disowned -- a concept that other neurologists took literally.

Btw, Asperger wasn't researching a new form of autism, he was simply researching the same thing as Kanner was. (Duh, there are other autism researchers besides Kanner and Asperger, you know.)

Note that I am not attacking anyone here with this message, but simply expressing my anti-spectrum stance. Why? Because I am fed up with the hypocrisy that the elite autistics are guilty of doing -- a downward social comparision of a person's talents, intelligence, and emotive appeal that the so-called "NTs" are supposedly guilty of doing.

--- End quote ---

I'm going to agree with this. 

I have my diagnosis of Aspergers, but the whole spectrum thing is too confusing.  Each person would need their own individual spectrum if we want to get that complicated about it.  Some of us function well in some areas, but fall apart in others. 

My diagnosis took ages because the doctors wanted to focus on Schizoid Personality Disorder instead of actually listening to what I was telling them about myself.  It's like that with labels.  You give one to someone and suddenly you no longer have to find out anything else about them.  The label tells you what you need to know, even if it's wrong. 

Yeah, diagnosis is great to have because it finally cements something you've known all along, but we also have to remember that diagnosed or not - we're all individuals.  We are NOT our diagnosis, nor should we define who a person is by whether or not a doctor has placed a label on them, and what that label may be.


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