
Author Topic: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?  (Read 487 times)

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How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« on: November 03, 2010, 04:38:57 PM »
I shared a nice, warm, deep conversation with my friend DuckFetishGirl on MSN. She is a fat, but rather attractive, 30 year old, sensitive retard chick who posts on Asspies for Freedumb every day, talking about her cat as if it was her husband and posting boring bullshit just to pass time in her pathetic life. She is terrible on MSN about not responding to you or saying goodbye. And I don't think she ever was my friend, because she never initiated a conversation with me, especially not in the last few months. Being sick of having this fat piece of Californian yuppie ducky shit on my contacts list, I attempted to find ways to get her to block me from her MSN. I might have been successful, because after that last bit, it showed that she was Offline. And what the fuck kind of a name is "Krista Cheeseburger", anyways?

Andrew Taylor says
Krista Cheeseburger says
Andrew Taylor says
what's up?
Krista Cheeseburger says
scanning my pc for threats
Andrew Taylor says
why do you still hang around Aspies for Boredom?
come on, slow duck
go on, piddle your cat to your heart's content while ignoring whoever is trying to get a word out of you
stupid ass-pie
peeps like you make autism look bad
and for the record, fuck AFF and every dumb and boring duck like you that posts on there
now go cry to your mommy bitch
Krista Cheeseburger says
I went afk you idiot. This is why you'll die alone.
Andrew Taylor says
oh, let me guess, made your hundreth trip to the fridge today, fat duck?
Krista Cheeseburger says
pot meet keetle
and get a dental plan
I've actually lost weight while you continue to gain.
classes in 1 sessionI am ahead in my math class and will finish 2 s
didn't you fail?
Oh that's right yOU DSID
Andrew Taylor says
I didn't fail any of my math classes, at least I took more than one lousy class, lazy ass
Krista Cheeseburger says
You failed college, you told me. Don't lie. You eat junk food all day and never bathe. you are disgusting and you are going to die a virgin.
I take Tae Kwon Do now, retard. Am a purple belt and go to the gym.
Andrew Taylor says
we'll see who dies a virgin first, retard
you have a good 10 years ahead of me
Krista Cheeseburger says
Sweetie, you are ugly, have no money and you fart in public. I bathe and get guys liking me all the time. I have prospects, you DON'T which is why you are a bitter little cunt
Andrew Taylor says
at least I'm not sensitive and whine about every little stupid insult handed out to me by some 13 year old cunt on the Internet
Krista Cheeseburger says
Yes you do. You got all butthurt when Couldbecousin called you a troll. You suck at trolling. You suck at life and no one likes you.
Andrew Taylor said (5:27 PM)
and with that, folks, she promptly goes off of the computer, gets up from her brokeen down chair, and cries to her mommy like a 6 year old kid about that limey bastard named Andrew

I fucking hate the autism community. It's just as bad, if not worse, than most other types of communities. :wanker:

Offline Adam

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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 05:09:53 PM »
fuck off then  :moon:


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2010, 05:18:07 PM »
You're sick of her but she doesn't initiate contact? You want her to be the one to block you?


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2010, 05:23:05 PM »
You're sick of her but she doesn't initiate contact? You want her to be the one to block you?

I'm sick of her never initiating contact. I wanted to see what she is made of.


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2010, 05:28:30 PM »
I'm sick of her never initiating contact.
Do you think she will be inspired to now?


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2010, 05:33:04 PM »
I'm sick of her never initiating contact.
Do you think she will be inspired to now?

I don't care now. Such a shame she was rather attractive. :wanker:


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2010, 05:33:50 PM »
I guess at the moment she isn't too handy, Andy.


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2010, 06:16:59 PM »
You're sick of her but she doesn't initiate contact? You want her to be the one to block you?

I'm sick of her never initiating contact. I wanted to see what she is made of.

Works both ways, bent-tooth. Don't expect people to bow down and attempt to suck your micropeen.


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2010, 06:20:45 PM »
Maybe he could change his username to Drew Peacock in recognition of his sex life.


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2010, 06:53:38 PM »
I wish I never found out about autism, because just about the whole fucking autism community is a joke. This is the only "autism" forum where I actually got a shred of good advice. I hate always being expected to take the initiative for every fucking thing and then seeing others get things handed out to them while I get jack shit. I would like nothing more than to see Aspies for Boredom get shut down permanently. It's about as "supportive" as Wank Planet, which is exactly jack shit.

I wanted to get advice on some medicine, got no replies besides some extremely vague idiot who says that all anti-depressants are bad, then I bump the topic because no one else responded, then some smart-ass bitch is like "go talk to your doctor". I have already talked to my doctor you fizzlebrain, how else do you think I got this prescription medicine? Off of the street? Damn, AFF is full of dumbasses. Well, it sounds like a retard trying to say ass when you try to pronounce the abbreviation of Aspies for Freedom: AFF!


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2010, 07:30:51 PM »
Act less like a retard and maybe people will take you more seriously.

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2010, 07:35:58 PM »
I wish I never found out about autism, because just about the whole fucking autism community is a joke. This is the only "autism" forum where I actually got a shred of good advice. I hate always being expected to take the initiative for every fucking thing and then seeing others get things handed out to them while I get jack shit. I would like nothing more than to see Aspies for Boredom get shut down permanently. It's about as "supportive" as Wank Planet, which is exactly jack shit.

I wanted to get advice on some medicine, got no replies besides some extremely vague idiot who says that all anti-depressants are bad, then I bump the topic because no one else responded, then some smart-ass bitch is like "go talk to your doctor". I have already talked to my doctor you fizzlebrain, how else do you think I got this prescription medicine? Off of the street? Damn, AFF is full of dumbasses. Well, it sounds like a retard trying to say ass when you try to pronounce the abbreviation of Aspies for Freedom: AFF!

If the first prescription medication doesn't work for you, the best person to talk to probably IS your doctor. The doctor-patient relationship doesn't end with the writing of a prescription. Depending on what the medication is, you might have required appointments to see the doctor anyway, to report your results and discuss your treatment. 
« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 07:41:28 PM by couldbecousin »
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2010, 07:40:20 PM »
Yes, people might not have replied because they know they aren't qualified to give you advice about your medication.


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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2010, 08:21:43 PM »
I wish I never found out about autism, because just about the whole fucking autism community is a joke. This is the only "autism" forum where I actually got a shred of good advice. I hate always being expected to take the initiative for every fucking thing and then seeing others get things handed out to them while I get jack shit. I would like nothing more than to see Aspies for Boredom get shut down permanently. It's about as "supportive" as Wank Planet, which is exactly jack shit.

I wanted to get advice on some medicine, got no replies besides some extremely vague idiot who says that all anti-depressants are bad, then I bump the topic because no one else responded, then some smart-ass bitch is like "go talk to your doctor". I have already talked to my doctor you fizzlebrain, how else do you think I got this prescription medicine? Off of the street? Damn, AFF is full of dumbasses. Well, it sounds like a retard trying to say ass when you try to pronounce the abbreviation of Aspies for Freedom: AFF!

If the first prescription medication doesn't work for you, the best person to talk to probably IS your doctor. The doctor-patient relationship doesn't end with the writing of a prescription. Depending on what the medication is, you might have required appointments to see the doctor anyway, to report your results and discuss your treatment. 

I guess you are right. I get paranoid about these things and yes, I do have required appointments every month for my medication.

Dammit, why am I such a fucking retard?!?
« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 08:28:31 PM by Pentagram »

Offline Charlotte Quin

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Re: How do you know when someone puts you on Ignore on MSN?
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2010, 04:42:54 AM »
Well to address the OP's question from a technical standpoint, it's possible to check someone's online status by using one of those MSN status checker websites. I've never used one myself and I've heard of them just being an avenue for spammers to collect addresses. That, and most people have "only people on my allow list can see my status and send me messages" ticked in their settings in whatever messenger program they're using. The status checker websites don't work if a person has this ticked (it's usually ticked by default when people first install windows messenger). Get a mutual MSN contact to report if she's online or not.