I wish I never found out about autism, because just about the whole fucking autism community is a joke. This is the only "autism" forum where I actually got a shred of good advice. I hate always being expected to take the initiative for every fucking thing and then seeing others get things handed out to them while I get jack shit. I would like nothing more than to see Aspies for Boredom get shut down permanently. It's about as "supportive" as Wank Planet, which is exactly jack shit.
I wanted to get advice on some medicine, got no replies besides some extremely vague idiot who says that all anti-depressants are bad, then I bump the topic because no one else responded, then some smart-ass bitch is like "go talk to your doctor". I have already talked to my doctor you fizzlebrain, how else do you think I got this prescription medicine? Off of the street? Damn, AFF is full of dumbasses. Well, it sounds like a retard trying to say ass when you try to pronounce the abbreviation of Aspies for Freedom: AFF!