I know that it may seem that way to you, Peaguy, but that's not the way it really is from my point-of-view.
In the first place, I would never bend over for some random horny guy. Before I was married the guy would have to be very special to me in many ways. Now, of course there is only one man who is that special to me.
In the second place, I know some AS females who have many of the same relationship problems that many AS guys have. I know that it has been easier for me in some ways than it has been for them because men have always found me pretty, but even so, I have had lots of problems too. I had to wonder if the men pursuing a relationship were only attracted to my looks or if there was a deeper connection between us that would be stronger than their reaction to my differences.
(All sarcasm, btw.)
Thanks for the edit. You reeled me right in. Good one, Peaguy.