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My ambition.

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My sole ambition is to become something that transcends all human expectations; I wish to climb the ladder in order to reach the top, to view an horizon that no-one will never be able to, or meant, to see; I wish that my mortal form will evolve into something so transcendant -- an existence that will hold no flaws from my previous one.

With this opportunity, I will carve out a new path for humankind to travel upon. I want them to go beyond the current sufferings of human life.

I reckon that I could achieve this one day. I believe that to be the purpose that I was born to do.

(Kinda unrealistic, I guess, but I don't give a fuck.)

well, you could eat your own head.  that'd transcend all sorts of things.  the laws of physics, and the realms of possibility, for a start.  and it'd certainly go beyond the current sufferings, etc., as people would be pissing themselves about it for years to come.

i can visualise you wearing your t-shirt, emblazoned with the legend:

ThePeaGuy: The Man Born To Eat His Own Head

it'd be fucking magnificent.


(sorry pea -  i have the urge to rip the piss when i hear the silent orchestral backing to speeches of overwheening nobility and honour, like that one.  kiss, kiss).

I hope that you achieve your ambition, Peaguy. 

Sounds like you need a behelit.


--- Quote from: My favourite bitch witch implied... ---How about a little bitchslap back into reality, pea-brain? Ehehehehehe!
--- End quote ---


Yeah, well, the special effects of this universe suck ass.


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