^I am starting to wonder what your place looks like with so much paper and recyclables. I am a minimalist and so either like to file paperwork that I may need later away or throw it out. My mum went on at me for throwing paperwork out without shredding it first though because of identity theft.
Fear of identity theft is what compelled me to keep so much paperwork for so many years.
All three of my closets have been packed with plastic bags stuffed with paper clutter!
Now that I have THE SHREDDER, and have become ruthless about discarding stuff, I'm
seeing empty space for a change! But I am dealing with 24 years' worth of accumulation,
so it's going to take awhile longer. I plan to hire my friend's son and the crew from his
furniture store to haul away all my unwanted furniture and appliances when I'm through
sorting; that will free up a lot more space! My voice will echo in the empty rooms!