Author Topic: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary  (Read 4430 times)

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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2006, 04:58:26 PM »
Moulin Rouge

Would you like to come out for a night at the Moulin Rouge? We can meet the lovely Nicole Kidman there. I mean you know, I'm not the sort of girl who likes girls but Nicole Kidman is gorgeous."
"Okay. I'll come. But do you think they'll mind that I have huge titties and a big plump ass?"
"Nah. There's plenty of your type there."
"Oh good."

The two best friends who just so happened to be females started walking towards the Moulin Rouge building. Out of nowhere a man who appeared to be a pirate from the olden days ran up to them. It was obvious he was in a panicked state. He made movements with his mouth. What came out was, "Moulin Rouge. Beginning. End. Moulin Rouge. So take a friend. Moulin Rouge. What you give is what you get. Moulin Rouge. I best go now. I think I need a shit."

The two girls gasped in utter shock! How dare he? Speak to them like common dogs body! They decided to forget the incident in favour of trying to have fun that night.

When they arrived at the Moulin Rouge building they went in where Nicole Kidman was on a giant swing in the top of the building wearing lace net stockings singing showtunes.

They looked up at her in awe. All of a sudden a bomb hit the building bringing up loads of smoke and killing the people where it landed in a far corner. Then the madman dressed like a pirate came in through the door up to the two women and said whilst almost out of breath, "The chosen one has arrived! World War 2 begins!"

Smiling like a sick dog the pirate ran off. He pulled off his costume and revealed himself to be Winnie The Pooh. He went on to explain to everybody in Paris that day that Winnie The Pooh never died. He lived forever because he was a giant teddy bear and teddy bears never die apparentely. So anyway Winnie The Pooh did whatever he wanted to do in life.

   I suppose you could say he was...
    .......................P-L-A-Y-I-N-G G-O-D.......................

Offline Merry Widow

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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2006, 05:45:56 PM »
  ??? hmmm. that was the most surreal one, so far.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2006, 11:59:14 AM »
conversation with myself

This is one of my works, this is one of my writings. This will make you complete. Let me start, let me end, don?t interupt me, I have just begun. You must imagine you are in my position. You must try. Don?t confuse it with joy. Don?t pick that up. Tell yourself what you see, is it real, is it good? When you are alone, who do you talk to. Try with yourself, does it bore you? Now that you have spoken to someone else try again. Does it interest you now? Come up with ideas now, now you can be free, now you can see how stupid you are. Now go back. This is one of my works, this is one of my writings. This will make you complete. Let me start, let me end, don?t interupt me, I have just begun. You must imagine you are in my position. You must try. Don?t confuse it with joy. Don?t pick that up. Tell yourself what you see, is it real, is it good? When you are alone, who do you talk to. Try with yourself, does it bore you? Ah, you have seen that you have interupted me, ah, you see that you have begun to end. But go back, again. You see that you enjoy yourself now. Talk some more, come up with ideas now, now you can be free, now you can see how stupid you are. Now go back.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2006, 12:45:29 PM »
The Children Of The Past, The Present & The Future

The name's Gorgonzola. Mister Gorgonzola to you. I wonder if anyone will ever read this. I'm a thinker way ahead of my time. What I'm doing here, no one's ever though of before. I'm a scientist, but not the usual sort. See, I'm interested in people and the way they think, and what they do and why they do it. I ain't got no interest in preposterous nonsense such as looking up at the sky and et cetera.

   I'd been planning it for years and one day the time finally came for me to hire some peasants to participate in my one-of-a-kind mastermind experiment. I was planning on seeing how 6 people interacted with each other. Obviously it was going to cost me a stable and a woodshed, so I decided to choose my participants wisely.

   Well at least that's what I set out to do. Truth is though; I was looking for people who were unique. I wanted two of each type of person as well so it was bound to take me a few days and night's to find my beauties.

   I wandered high and low, near and far across the British Isles searching for my participants. I thought I'd never find anyone, and then after around three months of searching, in an Irish city called Bangor I met two rather peculiar teenagers. They were out on the streets hitting each other on their heads with big wooden planks. They even were wearing some sort of old brownish animal skin! I thought to myself what kind of imbeciles are they? Well it turns out the sort I wanted in my experiment.

   I loaded them up in the Horse an' Carriage and we were off away looking for four more participants. The reason I'd chosen these fine fella's is cause, they belonged in the sick house with the other loonies. But for some reason unknown to my brain of epic proportions they were on the streets of Bangor that day, and so I made the most of this extraordinary situation and grabbed them.

   So as I said, now I needed four more participants, and after going all over Ireland I'd only found two worthy participants. Now I was off to England. I arrived at Liverpool Docks. A nice sight there. There were lots of fella's telling jokes. Aye, Liverpool?s full of humor and coming to think of it, sweet lassies an' all.

   I stayed at an Inn in good ol' Liv'pool that night and I met these two little children. They must of looked, ooh I don't know; maybe 7 or 8 years old. They were humming little tunes and dancing. I asked them if they wanted to come on my experiment. They said yes. I loaded them up in the Horse an' Carriage and off we were. I must say though after a while I realized something.

   Was I losing my mind? These little children were wearing the brightest clothes I'd ever seen! And I 'adn't even realized until a few days later along our travels. Surely I was losing my sanity! Something wasn't quite right about those children, but I knew I had to take some risks to make my experiment effective.

   So now I needed just two more participants. We searched, and we scavenged and we wandered high and low all over England but sadly to no avail. I was losing faith, happiness, sleep. To be honest with you I was beginning to think I didn't have much left to lose. These people I'd chosen were driving me to mad acts. I was convinced they were too mad to live with while perfect for the experiment.

   After much deep thought and ponder upon the situation, I decided that looking for very unique participants wasn't such a bright idea anymore. I needed to have at least a few sane ones. Well, that night I stayed in an Inn in Lancashire. The place was called Bolton. I picked up a lonely male teenager at a bar the following morning, and a happy cheerful female teenager at a horse race at food time.

   At last! I had all my participants! I was singing and dancing and hopping and flopping and, oh lord was I glad! I hurried on home in the Horse an' Carriage with all six of my participants. Along the way we had some strange ol' times. None of the children got along. They were all on different wavelengths. I swear some of them were even actually living in the past and the future. Surely my ears deceived me.

   The big day arrived. Day 1 of the experiment. There were to be 7 days altogether but Day 1 was vital for the experiment. Two law officers were round my lab by sunrise to make sure no funny business was going on and to give clearance for further experimentation.

   I sat all my participants down around a lovely oak wooden table and stood next to the two law officers to observe the scene. Finally I could take a look at some people and start my new marvelous, original, unique brand of science!

   "Hmm, this is a cool chat room. I wonder how we got here?"
   "Dunno. Who cares anyway? Wanna chat?"
   "I guess. What's up?"
   "Grr LOL. I hate it when people say that. I say 'How are you?' cause it actually respects other peoples feelings!"
   "Shut up dumbo. I mean as in YOU DUMB PERSON. You think your so clever lalalala just because your on the net lalalala hahaha lol LMAO HEHEHEHE I am evil so just tell me baby who's the man!"
   "Whatever. Loser. You just act tough cause your a dirty smelling geek who is afraid of real life so you have to use the internet."

   The two law officers and me stood there with our mouths wide open. I think they might have even dropped all the way down to the floor. One lawman fainted in a matter of seconds. The other turned to me, his face pale, "What in the name of Sinbad's voyages is going on here?"

   I panicked. Perhaps I did the wrong thing but my experiment had to go on. I was intrigued by what I'd just seen. I had to go on! I quickly grabbed a sword from the table and in no time chopped the poor law officers head off. I felt a slight twinge of guilt, but the experiment came first. After all it wasn't like there wouldn't be more officers, but there would only be ONE OF MY EXPERIMENT!

   Now that, that was out of the way I focused on the table again and looked at the six children. The two in the bright clothes had stopped communicating now and the ones in the old animal skins started doing things. Communicating though, well no.

   They hit each other on the head wildly with their big wooden sticks. Oh no! They might kill each other! Not more blood in my laboratory! Was could I do? I was helpless. I decided to just keep on watching and see how things would turn out.

   At the same time the children in bright clothes started talking again.

   "Do you see them two lamers there?"
   "They're flooding this chat room like hell!"
   "Ahhhhh! I HATE LAG DAMMIT! i hate lag dammit!"
   "Stop it you foolish brats. Were on the internet. It's pointless typing a load of nonsense into the chat."

   I was bewildered. The internet? Typing? Lag? Flooding? Where? I couldn't see no water flooding. These people were more insane than I thought! Or were they from the future? YES! That was it! I had the children of the future in this very laboratory, my laboratory! Mine, all mine! Imagine the possibilities. I could do a sideshow with these talented children of the future using them as entertainers.

   I thought I'd seen it all; but oh no. Not yet. All of a sudden the two children dressed in animal skins started hitting the children with the bright clothes aggressively. I was worried. They might end up killing my soon-to-be sideshow entertainers, and why were they doing it anyway? Oh well, I thought I must let them be, and see how the experiment turns out.

   Then the bright colored clothed kids started talking again.

   "You are so pathetic! You're the worst flamers I ever known on da whole net Lmao!"
   "Yeah you guys are like sooooo Idiotic. You can't even say something that shows the slightest degree of intelligent..."

   Things got worse. One of the children dressed in animal skins bashed and bashed and bashed one of the brightly colored clothed kids until she couldn't take it anymore. She died. I could hardly believe it. This was the most overwhelming day in the history of mankind.

   The other brightly clothed kid looked annoyed, "Dammit. They logged off... or were disconnected I guess. Oh well, life sucks. DOH! Now I have to talk to you dumbass flamers."

   I was still amazed at all the words I had never heard of, and the actions that were un-thought of. However something struck me all of a sudden. The children who were normal hadn't said a word until now...

   One of them looked around and said, "Your all scaring me. What's wrong with you? Are you sure you shouldn't be living with the loonies in the sick house?"

   The child in the brightly colored clothes said, "shut the F*** up! What are you? Some skitsoofrenic/Schizophrenic maniac wannabe who thinks they live in the past. Jeez, people these days."

   I couldn't take anymore. I was so happy I started laughing out loud. So loud in fact that all the remaining experiment participants turned their attention to me. I fell over laughing holding my stomach in pain. "Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaha! Your all mad, mad I tell you! It's as if you?re the children of the past, the present and the future!" Then I stopped laughing. I realized what I'd just said and quickly took my sword in hand.

   "I'm going to kill myself right now, but not because I'm in ill-health nor because I'm in ill-company, and not because I'm unhappy. I'm so happy at what I've seen it?s enough to last a lifetime's happiness! Woo!"

   I had seen the answers finally. After a whole lifetime of thinking and work, I realized the past; the present and the future had some connection. I lifted the sword up gallantly and was about to thrust it strait into my heart but I felt a chuckle come out of my throat. I loved life. It weren?t time for death yet. And who knows? Maybe I?d prove there was no such thing as death.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2006, 03:46:44 AM »
The Communist Insanity


An old man with only one tooth and fifty-cents in his pocket, which was actually useless, considering President Bush had enforced the new rule that only the rich could use money, because only the new five-hundred-dollar bills were useful, laughed a deep, almost guttural laugh, as he stood over Thomas Jenkins, who, just fifteen seconds ago, had attempted to steal his worthless hat, bought -- no, wait, of course, given -- from a butchers? store, because food stores no longer sold anything other than Coke and Salad to the Poor, which was useless anyway, seeing as they could no longer take caffeine, and vegetables messed with the metabolism in a way that would disgust even Steven King, which wouldn?t matter anyway, seeing as he was long dead -- killed by yet another car crash, the fool, while walking to the video store to pick up a porno, which only the rich -- rich, of course, if you had personal wealth above ten million -- could afford. And then he banged Thomas over the head, killing him instantly.

On the other side of town, where the rich and famous dwelt -- famous only if you had appeared on television at least ten times, had sex in front of an audience larger than five hundred, and been voted World?s Worst Dressed at least once -- Dan Clark, a bum, with two thousand dollars in his pocket, which, mind you, was useless anyway, because without a barcode or at least the number 666 engraved into your hand nothing could be bought beside Coke and Salad, stood beside a WMB -- changed, of course, from the original BMW, because Elvis Presley had reappeared, claiming to be the True King, and ordered any names, brand or otherwise, with less than four letters, to be reversed, because he was the only True King -- pissing all over the door-handle, laughing as Elizabeth Taylor, 193, on life-support, currently diagnosed with every second disease known to man, including HIV, stumbled her way towards the car, helped along by her thousand-and-one still living viewers and fans, who didn?t really like her anyway, because no one liked anyone beyond President Bush and Elvis Presley (aka The True King), and then fainted. Four hours later Elizabeth Taylor was pronounced dead and five hours after that buried next to Princess Dead.

Sam Goodman, currently America?s top politician, even though already responsible for half of America?s financial problems, including the recent stock-market dive when President Bush went live on Television, nude, dressed as a ghost in make-up (rumours are believed to have been spread that he desired to resemble Marilyn Manson, now Satan?s right-hand man), sat in Parliament -- which, to speak in ?modern? coherent terms, was actually Farmland, recently named by the Rednecks of Redville after a town set aside for America?s Most Hated -- arguing whether or not to allow cigarettes, alcohol, condoms, pornography, sluts, whores, and prostitutes to be made socially available to the Poor, who were mainly under twenty, except, of course, the old man still with fifty-cents in his pocket and a bloody hand, while Bill Clinton, engaged in oral sex with Pamela-lee-Jones, voted America?s Biggest-titted-Bitch, spat abuse about the Colony System and the Goddamn Russian Communists, always gotta be messin? up his motherfuckin? crib, like shit didn?t matter no more to nobody, except goddamn Marshall Mathers, the forgotten rapper. Good ole Bill was later shot in head.


XMD, who, just like Michael Jackson (now renamed Janet Jackson, in the memory of his loving sister, who had died whilst under the care of the controversial sex-therapist, Neil Diamond) lay asleep, under a general anaesthetic, while his balls were severed from his scrotum, and the foreskin of his penis was rolled back to form a vagina, deep in a heavenly sleep, dreaming of the time when he and Eminem had ?got it on? when they had met by accident on the street, buying ice-cream valued at five-thousand dollars, while the Poor begged for the scraps of paper which held the ice-cream together, in the hopes of getting a lick, and watched as both XMD and Eminem began ?laying into each other?, which basically meant engaging in every single activity, from the sexual to the physical, while the man in the black trench coat watched from the thirty-first floor of the White House, smiling in glee as his career unfolded before him -- this grin later becoming a mocking laugh, when both XMD and Eminem shot each other in the head, causing a brief explosion -- and he was rich. The man was later named Big Brother 2056.

Nicole Smith, America?s premier female drug-dealer, something she?d learnt from her father, who, when she was just eight years old, had committed suicide rather than face the consequences of Big Bitch Bosses, the suppliers of the new street drug Purple Haze, was talking away on her cell phone to Mark Brown, an analyst from Downtown, currently under probation for feeding the Poor a loaf of bread and later offering them a drink of water, when suddenly a tele-text-o-mercial crackled to life, interrupting the conversation mid-sentence. Hey there, shopper! said the voice of Marilyn Monroe, who, by the way, had been brought back to life under the Presidents orders, apparently because of the size of her breasts and the famous Birthday song. Haven?t I been looking for you?The words, though vexing they were, hardly mattered, because at that exact moment an explosion erupted from a car, some fifteen miles away, followed by a sharp zip, before finally Nicole fell dead, surrounded in a pool of her own blood. She had been shot in the head by her own brother, who was on an acceptance mission from Big Bitch Bosses.

White-Trash-Bitch Kylie Monogue, who was the first celebrity to admit that going public to announce that one wished to have babies with one was exactly the same as going public and admitting you were desperate for a fuck, was standing on the side of the road, smoking a Camel filter-tip which she had been forbidden to do since she got breast-implants, as a source of product placement for her new movie, a film that introduced the role of fucking cinema-style, and just how different it is from real life, because every other White-Trash-Bitch doesn?t have tits these days -- it?s only the nigger-sluts anyway who have real pussy and tits -- and explaining that her marriage to former Russian Soviet Unionist Boris Domitri is definitely over, because, ?The motherfucker just can?t keep his dick away from me,? and while her current boyfriend, sonofabitch Keanu Reaves, licks the entire length of her body, all the while managing karate chops and ninja-flunks. Kylie Monogue never had children.

At the orders of secret Russian Communist Britney Spears, two young boys, fourteen, rape an eleven year old girl in full public view, while the police laugh in mockery, and the crowd begin to film, hoping to include the footage in their weekly submissions to TV4?s Who?s Getting Raped Today?, and while the girl is plagued with hundreds upon thousands of images -- all broadcasted internationally -- of rape-crisis centres, which are entwined with product placement adds and community service announcements (apparently a cheaper and more ?effective? way to advertise), and while the People?s Spokesperson -- currently 2uPac Shakur, recently brought back to life to fight in Rap Battles Weekly, a program where warring rappers legally beat each other shitless and get paid at the same time, or brought back to life -- speaks about the medical breakthroughs of Tobacco, and just how wrong the ?medical idiots? were for the last hundred thousand years; how the many marvels of cigarettes and cigars can actually extend lifetimes, and not the opposite. The girl attempts a scream but is cut off by the boys? warrior.

Helen Clark, currently Austra-New-Zealand?s Minister of Education, sits at a conference for the Rich and Mighty, in which the current issues of the Poor are discussed, and where all who are not liked as a majority get their throats slit, talking about the issue of youthful drug induction, and how the Minister of Illicit Practices is not doing enough to encourage such practices, because he spends too much time looking up pornography in both the weekly Television Guide and The Kids? Weekly magazines, while Jeremy Clark, her husband, attempts to file away at both her moles and teeth, both of which seem plausibly useless, and while John Howard, the only man in Austra-New-Zealand?s history to ever be re-elected as Prime Minister of I-Can-Do-Nothing-To-Help-You Politics beyond the legal living age (263 years, according to AI Regulations), sat behind a closed curtain, restrained, as a hairdresser attempted to pluck his eyebrows clean. All attempts were later concluded useless.

Osama bin Laden (as we shall call him, though really his name had changed to Indu-stria-lisation) was smoking marijuana along side Italian Mafia member John Claude Van Damn, when suddenly a rock smashed through the window, later found to have been dropped by the Goddamn American?s from above, with the message attached warning Osama to lay off the fly-by points, because already he was flooding fly-bye?s banking system, which would soon put them out of business, before John Claude declared Osama was a ?Bitch-ass pussy,? who, ?couldn?t fight for his beard if rapping depended on it,? and the two immediately engaged into fist-to-fist contact, knocking each other virtually brain-dead. John Claude was later awarded ten million for being the one to kill Osama bin Laden, but he never lived to enjoy it.

Satan and Steven King stood upon the throne of man -- Russia?s nuclear-weapons stock house -- fighting over who was going to push the button and end mankind, when suddenly Boris Yeltzon entered the room, with fourteen-million supporters behind him each wearing the symbol of the False Prophet, demanding that they Stand aside, because he hadn?t died to die; and if anyone was going to push those fucking buttons it would be him, and if you don?t goddamn stand aside we?ll cast you into a goddamn fucking abyss of Russia?s shit, where you can spend the next one thousand years of your eternally damned lives, and where you will be fed equal portions of Russia?s poverty. Satan stung Boris in a blinding flash of light, and as for what happened next, I can only say Steven wrote it all down.

Two young boys, both thirteen, sit in a smoke clouded room, deeply involved in the art of decapitation, being taught by Russell Crowe, who, just six months before, committed serial murder and was let off for lack of evidence, when suddenly a gun shot erupts -- it was later discovered that two niggers had killed one another, apparently over who was getting better ?ass? that night -- only to be hushed by the crowd of Bitch-ass-White-trash, some of whom are masturbating over the images of a woman being decapitated and raped, which in turn drowns the scream and guzzling of two dying niggers; hell, in the end, no one cared but the doctor carrying out the autopsy. The boys? mothers were both prostitutes and had left them to live in a dumpster at birth.

Marcus Maclean, white, with a faint brown complexion, which wasn?t visible anyway, because the sun had been blocked when President Bush declared war on Russia, only to be met half an hour later with a hundred-and-twenty-five-million nuclear war-heads, which had wrongly been aimed at the Ozone Layer, though luckily they passed through a wide gaping hole, now revealed to be the secret work of Green Peace, sat typing away at his computer screen, forcing a smile of sheer mockery, occasionally pushing the DELETE key, which, mind you, was currently the THIS-EQUALS-BETTER key -- a rule enforced by The True King, who, just five minutes earlier, had advertised a new product, containing the word MOJO, for just fifteen-thousand dollars; ?Just scan your barcodes, and it?ll be on its way. We prooooooomise?? -- with his pants down and his shoes on, touching himself where only the Poor dared to delve, because according to both Satan and President Bush and Marilyn Manson, penis? were no longer Cool. For Marcus at least, life was good, and the world was going to laugh.



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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2006, 05:38:09 AM »
Big Brother

Up in the corner the camcorder lay silently.
   Slowly devouring all in its path.


Decland Capri lay down lazily on his cosy sofa eating salted popcorn he had bought from a supermarket. "Ahh. This is the life." He reached for the television control. Unfortunately he couldn't quite reach it. "Oh well. It looks like I will have to get up to reach for the control now. I was warm and snug where I lay too. Ah well. Life goes on as they say." He raised up and got the control then ran back to his sofa and lay back down.

   "Ahh. Life is good." Decland switched the TV onto channel 1. A plain white sign was on the screen surrounded by a colourfully psychedelic animated background. The narrator whom sounded like a middle aged man sung in a jolly tone, "Harry's Crackers --- are the BEST!" On the sign the name flashed attractively. The advert faded out. Dec smiled happily and took another bite out of his popcorn. "Oh boy. I'm glad I'm alive." He switched over to channel 2. There was an advertisement on there too, very similar except it was advertising a different product. "Larry's Shoe's --- are the BEST!"

   Dec giggled and sighed peacefully. "Ahh. Life, oh life, oh life -- in the days." He twirled his feet around a little and hummed a little tune. "You know something life? I couldn't be any happier. I got all I need in this life." He switched over to channel 64. On this channel oddly an advertisement wasn't showing. A television program was on called "Diagnosis Manslaughter". Decland turned the TV off promptly and got up off his sofa.

   He started pacing up and down. He was utterly disturbed. What was he going to do? A TV program hadn't been on television for years. This wasn't right. It was unusual and wrong. He took a deep breath and ran towards the TV screen. Smash.


   John Prodeleon walked into the room. He sighed. "Where did you go Decland? Where did you go? Huh? Tell me Decland Capri, did you join the adverts in their search for recognition?" John saw a mirror on the wall and approached. He took a long hard look at himself. He grabbed the smashed TV and smashed it even more by clubbing it onto his head. Plop.


   A cute little girl walked into the room and saw the two of them dead on the floor. A tear twinkled in her eye. She peeled off a layer of her skin. Then she raised the already badly smashed TV high above her head. She chanted "All that glitters stinks of something" three times before killing herself by force of impact with the television.


Up in the corner the camcorder lay silently.
Slowly devouring all in its path.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2006, 04:28:40 AM »

in these bunchs and bunchs of SPUCKS, lived AVUNCULI SAMUELI.
he was mildly retarted, and basiclly ran circles around and around the pod, unlike the other workers, who worked all the time, to accomplish nothing.
AVUNCULI also accomplished nothing, but shehe, didnt know any better.
one day avunculi had a daydream,an enlightening glimmer of hope.
He wanted to be the king, of the throngs of workers. however he couldnt because he didnt know how to speak haughjiji. Plus he didnt have a iusmiscus(long tubular toung) On top of that, there had never been a leader, in the history of all time.
AVUNCULI: then started to calculate the micro eternally recurrence of random chaos, and the formation of problems due to the axially chromatic economical phenomenon of a leaderless network of be continuted


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2006, 04:29:29 AM »
John Doe

Charles was an ultra-conservative republican fascist neo-nazi anti-Marxist homophobic Christian fundamentalist white-collar corporate whore. He lived in an apartment building on the upper east side, drank frappeachinos and tried to hide his contempt for niggers.

One day, sitting on a park bench in Central Park enjoying the morning sun, he was mugged by a large Italian man.

"Give me your goddamn money!" said the mugger in a raspy voice, brandishing a switchblade. Chuck reached into his bulging wallet and handed the man three thousand dollars.

"Jesus Christ!" the switchblade armed felon muttered.

"Are you happy?" said Charles.

"Yes. Thank you. Three thousand bucks!"

"Good. Now, please leave me be. I am trying to enjoy the morning sun."

"Aren't you in charge of that big corporation?"

"MAXIPRO? Yes I am. I am President."

"Wow. It's great to meet a big celebrity like you."

"Thank you."

The man put his switchblade away.

"My name's John."

They shook hands.

"Great. Now, I am trying to enjoy this fine sun-"

"My son wants to be just like you."

"Really? That's fantastic, but-"

"Yup. He wears a plastic pin-striped suit and walks around giving orders to me and my wife. It's hilarious."


"Do you know our tenement building was just bought out by your company? Apparently, you guys needed it for storage or something."

"Oh. Well, I'm terribly sorry, but-"

"Sorry? Bwah, don't mention it. Anything in the name of progress, Chuck. I'm just glad to be of help to the economy." John smiled warmly, "Well, I better be going, sir. It's a lovely day, and I should be returning to my cardboard box. My family and I are gonna have breakfast today!"

John ran off. Charles shrugged, frowned, and looked directly at the sun.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2006, 01:05:33 PM »
Fuck Your Grammar

Carl gun in hand meanders down the open highway cars swerving to avoid black asphalt smells new old men driving pontiacs young men driving him insane but he fears not for there is no sanity in what is not sane head filled with disease he dodges a large pickup truck and opens fire on the driver through the glaring windshield red beautiful like a rose will to survive screams of horror magestic in it's own fucked up way where is he here there or nowhere all at once man driving ford escort dead falls to the dashboard as the car swerves onto the highway where it rolls over laughing Carl notices that his shirt is stained with blood not his blood others blood shoots the tire of a station wagon rolling down the road possibly heading towards a family destination of some sort like a big brown pile of shit heads down a pipe towards it's inescapable doom Carl grins as the wagon pulls to the side of the road and they notice Carl standing with his pistol blood on his shirt mad insane grinning as if he has heard some sort of deranged cruel yet sadisticly funny joke they die as he plucks them off one by one the parents first then the two little boys oh jesus they are dead he thinks even more blood this time kiddy blood not just idiot blood.

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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2006, 05:03:38 PM »
shouldn't you have waited until leapyear and began this on the 1st of february the same year?


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2006, 11:46:21 PM »
Closing Time

Bob 1 stared at the TV screen. The same video was playing that played every Tuesday night. There was nothing special about this night. Bob 2 sat next to Bob 1 sipping on his beer. Bob 3 was next to Bob 2 playing Solitaire on the bar surface. Inside this particular inn it was gloomy and dark, beautifully so though. There were blinds on the window and nice little rays of light shining their prettyness through the window.

Bob 1 raised his hands to his chin and wrapped his fingers around it. "You know what Bob 2 and Bob 3?"
"What?" They groaned in unision."
"I never quite understood why we put the hour backwards an hour and then put it forwards an hour. Why not just put it half way in between forever and ever?"
"Yeah, coming to think of it that is pretty strange", said a newly enlightened Bob 2.
"Aye. Who knows why we ain't never done that. Maybe we will in the future or something, ya' never know huh?", offered Bob 3.

Up on the TV screen there was a clip of a sun burning in the sky brightly. The film then cut to a big battle. Lots of different armies were fighting in a fictional world. The film was called The Last Battle.

Bob 2 burped rudely. On the tv screen the sun faded out. "Hey, hey, hey it looks like me and you - Bob 3... will uh... not uh... get our own lines."

The sun burned out on the tv screen and in the real universe at exactly the same time. None of the Bobs were ever heard from again.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2006, 02:01:34 AM »
There is a fine line between apathy and obedience.

We don't like those whinos that come in here posing as friends, do we Harold? They're just a bunch of phonies and can stick it where the sun don't shine, am I right? Like that one guy with the purple afro and the gold chain draped across his tanned shoulders walking towards the bar with a slight limp in his left leg, that prostitute bard, taking a sip from a bottle of lager, feeling his insides burn as he realized what he was doing, feeling the thirst and depraved madness of the rat poison, taking another sip, then falling to the ground in a fit of hysteria and vomitting on the wooden floor. He died, and they dragged the body into the street and castrated him, poor fella, and left him in a ragged ditch near the capital. Max and Duncan wore expressions of lunacy, checking their pistols and giving each other intimate looks. They kissed passionately and charged into the street, guns blazing in a fury of smoke and sexual retardation, removing any doubt from our minds that the only good indian is a dead one. Duncan had said to me that he was infused with the spirit of Crazy Horse, that he would revenge the terrors brought on his people at Wounded Knee and others, take them out with a magnum bullet clenched in his teeth and another ejaculating from his gun with a squeezed trigger. The poor bastards didn't know what to expect when they saw him mow down five police officers and a little baby. I supported him, I suppose, for his ideology and love for the movement. I didn't expect him to go down so violently, eh? I say the only good pig is a dead pig, a dead cop, a dead police officer, with blood next to the hole in his head. He is no longer a man once he accepts the badge of (in)justice, and he deserves to die a bloody death. The only solution to the problems of this world is with a firearm. You hypocrite pacifists, you leftist upperclassmen, I'm talking to you. You claim equality, you say that you want to save the poor, from your huge house and swimming pool, but you do nothing. I know your real agenda, idiots. Your donations to charity are obsolete. You are just contributing to the problem. YOU ARE ALL PIGS. I am real. I am there on the streets with my gat blazing and eyes raged. with my 22 clipped to my belt and my uzi machine-gunning, I am God. I am the savior. Isn't that right?


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2006, 02:28:25 AM »

Louie Lane and Simon Street got along mightally fine. They went everywhere together. Even to the toilet.

One day Louie Lane wanted a hamburger though and Simon Street wanted nothing. So they disagreed and parted ways.

The world ended in aproximately 0 days.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2006, 09:12:38 AM »
hallelujah, God is in the house!? :angel:

PS. dear God, am i still your "divine angel," or have i fallen from grace?? :-\

I dread entering the Kingdom of Heaven because if I am as forgiving as the Bible claims I am the company there shall be poor.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2006, 09:13:10 AM »
any particular god, or are you going for the i'm the only one angle?

I have spent nights huddled in my bedspread weeping hopelessly about my omnipresence. I pity the person who cries at this. Laugh; for heaven?s sake laugh.