Author Topic: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary  (Read 4426 times)

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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #30 on: April 28, 2006, 09:14:23 AM »
? ??? hmmm. that was the most surreal one, so far.

The tragedy of death is that people are upset after it. When I die I hope I am run over by a bandwagon full of clowns.

That?s what I said when I was younger. Funnily enough, my hope has all but been realised. It?s true what they say: the funniest things are the truest.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #31 on: April 28, 2006, 09:14:44 AM »
shouldn't you have waited until leapyear and began this on the 1st of february the same year?

Externally the difference between crying and laughing is so little yet internally the difference is so large.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #32 on: April 28, 2006, 09:15:21 AM »


THAk you for taking your time and us because of the sniper atacking and killing people and children so we thank you for watching our school and hold day so we thank you for what you have don for us

frome mahadeo persaud

key board class

1978 may 12


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #33 on: April 28, 2006, 09:15:53 AM »
Brudda's accross the nation

(classical music starts playing but then a superstar dj goes over the sound with some loud phat beats)

Eh yo!
Bruddas and Muddas...
All accross the land
It's time Eh Yo
Collect Yo Ho's

Na, Na, Na, Na

See RAP started BACK when us people gave no FLAK we got no RESPECT so we made out our BET carried out and never REGRET what you done brudda and remember it aint no crime to listen to yo mudda every once in a while

Eh yo!
Mixin' it up!
Remix like fo' real up in da 'ouse
Eh yo!
Not as quiet as a mouse!

Whoo Whoo Whoo gave you your name your fame your shame brudda remember to listen to your mudda NEXT TIME cause murder is just around the corner and its SWEAT TIME so buddahs and muddahs and all sorts of people come on and climb off your tall steeples



one more time my brudda who was born to a mudda -


eho yo i cant hear you so


See, 3po i spit like a star wars clone george lucas up in your super duper home see images of deadly drones and light sabers to jedi's home and i say this to all yo people on the phone

hey hey hey hey
hey HEYYYYYYYy hey


all my yodas drivin in those skodas


one more time yo and use the forces flow


   huh huh the song is starting to fade

ALL IN ALL YOUR JUST ANOTHER BrIcK in the wallllllllllllllllllll

(music fades out slowly while the listener can hear loads of brothers spreading the love accross the nation)


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #34 on: April 28, 2006, 09:16:28 AM »
Uncle Tom Motherfucker

who the fuck am I to care
whether or not the world is about to explode
whether little kids are fucked by old men
in warehouses. i don't give a shit
because it's not me. it's someone else.
i'll never die because i am a teenager
i'm just a nigger living on the edge

but that all changed
when her rotting corpse disfigured and horrible
came to life.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #35 on: April 28, 2006, 09:16:53 AM »
The end of the world

Three transvestites stood on a yellow ford cortina singing in the rain. They were called Bobbi, Barbara and Elena. They participated in this activity every Sunday. The car was parked in front of Perry Tszupantaar's house. In his garden.

   Perry observed the farce below from his bedroom window. "I daresay, they're craving attention." Perry felt a little dizzy from the stress of the loud words being sang. He sat down on the bed. His dog lay next to him, called Trevor - a male Border Collie. "Trevor. Trevor, nobody loves me. Nobody loves me at all. No single person in the whole wide world. Cares. About me."

   Trevor looked up at Perry. He obviously understood Perry's emotions due to his highly advanced doggie senses. He made some puppy eyes expressing sympathy for Perry. "Speak to me Trevor. Say something. Prove to me that Science doesn't exist. Trevor I must hear your voice." He raised his glass of red wine from his bedside cabinet and took a long gulp. "Ahh," he sighed in relief.

Bobbi arched her buttocks upon the Cortina's passenger door. "Aww Mavis. This place is a total wrecker. The day is too." Barbara shaked her head. "I ain't never gonna see no knicker gals of mine going down a' big time, you a' know what I'm saying Bobbi?"
Bobbi stuck her cigarette in Barbara's nostril. "You ain't nothin'".
"Huh? Why do you two always leave me out of the conversations? Huh? Why? Am I the ugly duckling? I hate poetry. Imagery is too much. I'm going to run away."

The sun started coming down from the sky at a rapid rate and landed on the Earth. The Earth burned out in 0.00000000000000000001 Nanoseconds. The universe became a whole lot emptier that day.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #36 on: April 28, 2006, 09:17:22 AM »
the LITTELL BLUE CARR and friends written

Once apon a time a little old lady named Sarah.

One day the little old lady decided to buy a new car.

So she went to the car dealership.

She walked all around and finally decided on a small blue car.

She drove the little blue car home and parked it in her garage.

The next day she drove to the Supermarket.

When she left all the other cars started laughing at the little blue car.

The little blue car said,? Why are you laughing??

and the minivan said,? ?cause your blue! Tee-Hee!?

So the little blue car turned around and started to cry.

When the little old lady came out and got in the little blue car, they drove away in silence.

While he sat in the garage he thought of a great plan.
The next day the little old lady got in the car and they drove back to the Supermarket because she was out of condoms
When she left, the little blue car revved up his engine and did a WHEELIES!



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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2006, 09:17:51 AM »
The Mobile Phone

Four children sat in a room. Within 5 minutes each of them had held the mobile phone. Within 10 minutes everyone of them was dead. The end.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2006, 09:18:22 AM »

Ecstasy is Death

?Drugs are the devil;
their mission is not
complete until they
have consumed all
- De? Michael

You okay, Sam?

Sam Simons laughed as Timothy?s head began to grow fat, gradually twisting grotesquely out of shape, until the skin began to melt and blood began to drip. A snot bubble burst just as his ears bent, became pink, and twisted out of shape. He was surprised, however, to discover he himself was changing. His skin was slowly bending to and fro, like a weak tree swaying in the wind. It was changing colour too: from bright and pink to dull and grey, before going orangey and then finally purple. And his voice - yes, that was certainly something to consider. Timothy?s as well. No longer were they the bright, happy, excited voices they had once been ? they were dull and monotonous - as tedious and unhappy as the sparks of the morning light. Sam began to shiver with excitement.

Sam, should I call an ambulance?

Sam continued to laugh as Timothy?s body began to loosen, tighten, and loosen some more. Timothy seemed to be laughing, as his body became more and more like jelly. Then slowly his clothes and shoes began to tighten, rip, and tear, before finally falling noiselessly to the ground. Now he stood dexterously before him; his skin was weak and tight, rather resembling an old, wrinkled face. But now it seemed not a body at all. There were no hands, feet, arms or toes - it was plain and sour looking: no skin at all, just blood dripping. Drip, dripping. Timothy looked like the devil. He had horns growing out of his forehead and his mouth was torn and jagged. He held a pitchfork at his side, which hardly managed to cover the curving tale which was working its way forward.

Sam, how many did you have? Three? Four?

Sam giggled as his attention was once more diverted. At the other side of the room - which, mind you, was now getting darker and darker as the music thumped violently away - a plain television set was switched on to President Bush. He stood side-by-side with Osama Bin Laden, wrapped in warm affection, speaking on friendly terms. ?Today, fellow Americans,? he was saying, ?the war of terrorism ends. Today we join allegiance with death. Today our toils and worries are left behind. Today, fellow Americans - today it all begins?.? The voice trailed off as Timothy let out a scream of laughter. Sam recoiled as his skin began to boil. Bubbles of blood and puss began to run down his arm.

Look, Sam, I?m gonna call the ambulance. You?re really screwed, man.

Sam began to drool uncontrollably. The whites of Timothy?s eyes had turned red; his pupils were black with red dots streaked wildly. His hair, face, and body was on fire - the flames burned wildly every this way and that. But now Timothy was changing ? physically. His body was getting less and less manly. The hair on his head seemed to grow longer and longer; his legs went smooth. For a moment the grotesque blood faded miserably away. The utter misery of physical deformation became little more than a forgotten rumour. Tits began to rise on Timothy?s chest. Something else rose on Sam.

Let go of me, dude. Somebody call am ambulance!

Suddenly the ground began to tremble, like an earthquake, only not. Surprisingly, Sam could only laugh as his feet collapsed under him. Timothy only stood silent. Then Sam?s laughing turned to hysterics as he turned in time to see the President in his final words, only this time it was the face of the devil. His face was wreathed in flame and his words trembled like thunder. ?Fellow Americans,? he proclaimed once more, ?hear me and hear me now! Today you have witnessed a revolution - one that shall never been seen again. Today, my dear, dear Americans - today you are all blessed. Behold, my friends! Osama Bin Laden, the friend of America ? the false prophet! Hear him as you have embraced me. Embrace him as you have Slim Shady; let the world know that we shall learn his teachings. Let us all remember his number, and mark it well.? A bright and sudden message flashed across the screen, far too fast and incoherent for it to be made out. It ended with a symbol and a number. The number was 666.

(what the hell is that thumping noise?)

Come on, get up! There?s a good boy, Sam!

The ground continued to grumble and moan; only now it was getting violent. Even the stern face of Timothy, his greatest friend, was growing worried. The drip-dripping of the blood had no effect on either of them. Suddenly there was a cry of dismay from somewhere in the room ? probably someone freaking off their trip. Just then the ground began to tremble, and it shook violently, until at last neither Timothy, Sam, nor anyone else in the room could stand. Some scrambled for cover. Some remained standing to face whatever this new wrath brought. But Sam ? Sam just collapsed.
    The ground felt cold to the touch. It was almost half like cement, only it was much softer. And now it was getting hotter; so hot, in fact, that in a few minutes Sam felt he would burn up on the inside. He continued to giggle momentarily.

(shut up that damn music!)

Quick, this way Sam! The cops! Must?a been a tip-off!

Suddenly the ground cracked right open, tearing the dull room in two. It revealed a dark and endless pit, spanning longer than the mind could possibly imagine. It smelt of molten rock - that foul, putrid smell of rotten eggs. Sam could taste it on his tongue as he smelled it with horror.
    Just as the trembling stopped, out from the newly opened crack, a fire-ball of immense size burst brilliantly ? a mixture of dazzling fire-works and chaos. It burnt both Timothy and Sam (and probably everyone else); and yet, he noticed, it only managed to cook their now-exposed blood. He trembled as something else formed - probably a shadow, as best it could be described - and flew up in the air with a horrid shriek of mockery and laughter.
Damn earthquakes, dude. Always gotta happen at the parties, I swear.

Whether it was a shriek or a dying moan, Sam couldn?t be quite sure. But just then the shadow appeared as something else - not entirely describable - that made an abhorred noise: it was a demon. Not a red, smiling demon with a pitch-fork and two horns on its head - no. It was far more terrifying and loathsome; it smiled in mockery as it began to round up teenagers, and stab them with vile ferociousness. A few times Sam thought It was coming for him; but it never did.
    Sam noticed the demon was riding on a wave of flame, like surf-boarders ride a wave of water, only the demon was not using a board of any kind. It was almost as if it was controlling the fire, as though it were under its command.

Death is Pain

S**t, that was close. Dude ? dude, are you alright? Oh my God -

Sam had the sudden feeling he was wedged between two walls. They were cold and smooth, probably made of some type of brick.

(dude, I?m serious, shut that thumping music up!)

He looked above his head in an attempt to find something of escape. But he found none. Timothy was gone, so were the television and the room. Now, indeed, he was stuck between two endless walls. There seemed to be no ground and no sky, and certainly no escape. Sam felt tired. I need sleep, he though. Yes, sleep is good. Maybe if I just -

Oh my God. Sam, are you okay? Sam ? Sam? SAM! Sam, don?t be stupid. This isn?t time for games. Say something, Sam. This isn?t funny -

Everything turned dark. The music inside his head continued to thump. Although he didn?t know it, the music would never stop. But now he noticed that the music was louder, as though it were growing intensely. It went from a soft, melodious (if not annoying) dum-dum-dum to a much more vexing thump-thump - THUMP - BOOM - BOOM!

(please help me. Please turn off the music. Please God, oh please!)

Suddenly Sam was aware that he was dying. He knew this because of two reasons: his breathing had stopped - indeed, now he thought it, he wasn?t ?breathing? at all. It was as though oxygen had always been a feigned man-derived invention, never meant to be. Nothing more than a material. And secondly, he was flying. Not ?Peter Pan? flying to Never-never land, because there were no clouds or rippling waves. Only darkness. For mile upon endless mile, there was only a black emptiness; the world had passed away and eternity was just beginning.

Welcome to the end, my son. The former world is past.

News report, from The Daily Post:

Yesterday in Paddington, Police stormed a drug-riddled night-rave party. Their intentions were to catch drug dealers. Unfortunately for them, they found much, much more.
    Sam Simons, a Paddington resident, was found on the ground. He had overdosed on heroin. He was later officially declared dead when they discovered knife wounds to the head and chest; apparently these were caused by a friend, Timothy, who had ?been scared of Sam?s actions caused by drugs?. Police have yet to confirm these reports?.

?Who said you could
ban Marijuana,
White boy??
- God


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #39 on: April 28, 2006, 09:18:50 AM »

You say the world appreciates you,
But you appreciate the world.
I try to explain
To tell you,
But you hear too many voices.
And no accent can help you now.
I want you to know,
To understand.
But you can't.
You say that life is everything,
But don't you see?
Life is nothing.
Without death, what do you have?
And because your eyes are too wide open.
And your senses too sensitive,
You appreciate the world.
And you convince yourself
That the world appreciates


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #40 on: April 28, 2006, 09:19:16 AM »
The Journey to the Centre of the Penguin

I fumbled, and fed my eyes on the little light there was around me. I heard a noise, a voice? Two bright eyes winked at me from the darkness. There was the sound of ice breaking and suddenly it was light.

I saw that there was before me a magnificent bird, a penguin to be precise, standing there in a top hat and jockey suit holding my hourglass. I thanked him, and took the hourglass. Only four minutes left. But wait. . . Four minutes until - what? I had forgotten. I turned around to ask advice from my fluffy friend but his head was missing, leaving him unable to talk or even to relay a vague message using a complicated system of eye movements.

This scared me. Looking the penguin sternly in the neck, I commanded him to give me a sign of some sort, that he was still alive. I waited for four seconds, and then gazed in wonder at what was happening: The arm of the penguin shuddered and moved, producing a wooden signpost on which was scrawled, "All is well."

Taking this as an insult, I readied my Scriplock 4000 and aimed it at the left flipper. "One move and you're souffle," I said, trying to sound fierce but failing miserably, my ego falling flat on its face in a pile of leftover blacmange. I casually kicked it aside - I wouldn't be needing it where I was going. Looking at the badly-animated penguin, I prepared myself for what was about to happen. But alas, I then heard the telltale noise, fwhuh, fwhuh, fwhuh. . . the steady beats of a small aluminium propellor turning underwater. I counted the seconds, three, two, one. . . and there was a cracking sound, right on cue, and the ice broke - and up came what I had most feared: Jim Spriggs. And the rest, as they say, is history.


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #41 on: April 28, 2006, 09:19:46 AM »

A scared man sat in the middle of the road clutching a keyboard in his hands. "The world is going to end!" he cried, and then suddenly he died.

Two teenagers looked at his dead body, bewildered. They didn't know what to say so they said nothing at all. They climbed the highest mountain in the world.

Kubba Klein looked through his binoculars. People died.

No one knocked at his door.


Offline Merry Widow

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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #42 on: April 28, 2006, 09:48:58 AM »
hallelujah, God is in the house!? :angel:

PS. dear God, am i still your "divine angel," or have i fallen from grace?? :-\

I dread entering the Kingdom of Heaven because if I am as forgiving as the Bible claims I am the company there shall be poor.

ouch.  :(


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #43 on: April 29, 2006, 05:34:16 PM »
Hey God, I just happened by to pray
If you see my friend, tell her to stay
In this world of a family kind
You the father, the mountain, the hill
The water is rising, sun is blind
The distant island, gulping with ill
We look to you, for refuge of mind
Peace by piece, nine by nine, love can kill
Piece by peace, eye for eye, fear entwined


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Re: COME AGAIN: 29 Daily Instalments of God?s Diary
« Reply #44 on: April 30, 2006, 10:01:46 AM »
Oh fuck off. ;D