The reason for him going back to you MsY was rather different in my inbox. In my inbox it was "boohoohoooo, I went back to her cos she's the only one who'll put up with me and my OCD, boohoohoo

/self pity".
I hate how he does that; Makes sure the person he's talking to at that moment is made to feel special and agrees with everything they say, but does nothing to make us think nice things about any of the other people he talks to. It means we all end up thinking the other person is a piece of shit and we all end up on different pages with our stories (cos he has each of us assured that our individual story is the right one). Seriously, the only nice thing he said about MsY in the whole time I've known him (18 months) was "she's a nice person", that's it!
He'll just find some other seemingly borderline female on WP to replace me with soon. Surely he didn't come across three batshit insane borderlines by coincidence on WP, no he hand picked us. Precious fucking care, love and approval, that's what we were all after. We fucking needed it and he knew it. Admit it PSP, you're an "overly loyal internet friend" out of fear, fear that he won't care for you back if you aren't so "overly loyal", not because you love and care for him (not doubting that you dont care for and love him, just sayin). Is that the kind of friendship you want with him? One based on fear? MsY lied about having AS for 2 years because, lemme guess, she was scared of losing his care, love and approval if she didn't have it.
It fucking hurts when that love, care and approval gets taken away doesn't it. I hate bringing it up but yeah I was suicidal because I thought he didn't care for me anymore, then really really REALLY suicidal when I found he actually didn't. One day either or both of you are gonna end up the same way.