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Offline Eclair

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Re: Hi
« Reply #75 on: November 06, 2010, 11:48:01 PM »
Hey I have tried to read through this thread and make sense of it but you know all I can really say now is

Hi Five Daniel!

Bloody Hell the guy has three girls cutting each others throats for a chance to get at his penis.
Come on ladies try telling me that it is not so.  :hahaha:
Best still none of you blame him. You are all happily clawing at each other's eyes to pay him attention as he sits back saying "Yeah that's right. Ohh...tear her bra off"

Hi Five Daniel!

I know...I'm waiting for big lunch to see what happens down the back of the oval! ;)

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Re: Hi
« Reply #76 on: November 07, 2010, 12:26:52 AM »
Wait a second, isn't this Daniel that fucktard "goblin" who tried to play his manipulative mind games on here a while ago?

Thread YOURMUM made:,14025.0.html
Fucktard's first reply in that thread:,14025.msg601339.html#msg601339
Post history of said fucktard:;u=926;sa=showPosts

Don't get pissed that I'm bringing up old shit, you guys started this by bringing up your personal faggotry about him again.  >:(

Besides, as one of I2's resident shit-stirrers, someone had to do this. :zoinks:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 12:54:13 AM by ProfessorFarnsworth »
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

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Re: Hi
« Reply #77 on: November 07, 2010, 01:02:50 AM »
For everyone else: Like I said before, she's been at her campaign for months now, and I don't expect to convince you otherwise. I understand that you're just going by what you've seen, and unfortunately, that's been largely false. YOURMUM is exceptionally bitter, and unfortunately, she hasn't handled it well.

That still doesn't deduct the fact that Daniel aka "goblin" username on here I presume, was trying to be a manipulative faggot on I2.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 01:09:35 AM by ProfessorFarnsworth »
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

Offline Eclair

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Re: Hi
« Reply #78 on: November 07, 2010, 01:49:01 AM »

Here's the thing: this "maturity high horse" is why I'm ultimately the one Daniel is with (and we are together, though you seem to think otherwise).

If you are together, then why the hell would you be online feeling the need to 'prove' it?


You were not a good girlfriend, and I did make lists about why.

If you and Daniel are so in love and into each other, then why the hell would you have time to make lists about his 'ex' perse?

Trying to prove your own worth, much?


The moment you said that you hoped he would hurt himself, you lost any chance you ever had at being a good girlfriend. Then you continued to be publicly dramatic when you had the chance to have everything be peaceful.

Again, if you and Daniel are so 'into' each other and meant to be, why would you waste your time trying to point out all the negatives of an ex?

Sounds like you are trying to hard MsY to convince YOURMUM that she is not a good girlfriend for Daniel, when you in fact are playing into his games of 'she did me wrong' by coming into it.

This happened back in May. If you and Daniel were so solid, why the hell would you be here arguing with his has been ex that you think is a bitch anyway?


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Re: Hi
« Reply #79 on: November 07, 2010, 02:15:59 AM »
Wait a second, isn't this Daniel that fucktard "goblin" who tried to play his manipulative mind games on here a while ago?

Thread YOURMUM made:,14025.0.html
Fucktard's first reply in that thread:,14025.msg601339.html#msg601339
Post history of said fucktard:;u=926;sa=showPosts

Don't get pissed that I'm bringing up old shit, you guys started this by bringing up your personal faggotry about him again.  >:(

Besides, as one of I2's resident shit-stirrers, someone had to do this. :zoinks:

Actually, you weren't the first to bring up Daniel's (Goblin's) manipulative old drama here.  I hyperlinked in my post a couple of pages ago to that old post where he said he would go away and leave YOURMUM alone:,15577.msg669882.html#msg669882

I looked up Goblin's and MsY's old posts when PSP challenged me to compare her IP address with MsY's.

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Re: Hi
« Reply #80 on: November 07, 2010, 02:26:40 AM »
Wait a second, isn't this Daniel that fucktard "goblin" who tried to play his manipulative mind games on here a while ago?

Thread YOURMUM made:,14025.0.html
Fucktard's first reply in that thread:,14025.msg601339.html#msg601339
Post history of said fucktard:;u=926;sa=showPosts

Don't get pissed that I'm bringing up old shit, you guys started this by bringing up your personal faggotry about him again.  >:(

Besides, as one of I2's resident shit-stirrers, someone had to do this. :zoinks:

Actually, you weren't the first to bring up Daniel's (Goblin's) manipulative old drama here.  I hyperlinked in my post a couple of pages ago to that old post where he said he would go away and leave YOURMUM alone:,15577.msg669882.html#msg669882

I looked up Goblin's and MsY's old posts when PSP challenged me to compare her IP address with MsY's.

Oops, sorry about that, you're right. Got caught up in my own antics. At any rate, a reminder was needed though, as they seem to be ignoring this fact over their tiff. :-\
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #81 on: November 07, 2010, 03:08:02 AM »
Daniel = nobgoblin

Offline Eclair

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Re: Hi
« Reply #82 on: November 07, 2010, 03:21:53 AM »

Psycho Ex...links below.

Offline Charlotte Quin

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Re: Hi
« Reply #83 on: November 07, 2010, 04:23:45 AM »
The reason for him going back to you MsY was rather different in my inbox. In my inbox it was "boohoohoooo, I went back to her cos she's the only one who'll put up with me and my OCD, boohoohoo :'( :'( /self pity".

I hate how he does that; Makes sure the person he's talking to at that moment is made to feel special and agrees with everything they say, but does nothing to make us think nice things about any of the other people he talks to. It means we all end up thinking the other person is a piece of shit and we all end up on different pages with our stories (cos he has each of us assured that our individual story is the right one). Seriously, the only nice thing he said about MsY in the whole time I've known him (18 months) was "she's a nice person", that's it!

He'll just find some other seemingly borderline female on WP to replace me with soon. Surely he didn't come across three batshit insane borderlines by coincidence on WP, no he hand picked us. Precious fucking care, love and approval, that's what we were all after. We fucking needed it and he knew it. Admit it PSP, you're an "overly loyal internet friend" out of fear, fear that he won't care for you back if you aren't so "overly loyal", not because you love and care for him (not doubting that you dont care for and love him, just sayin). Is that the kind of friendship you want with him? One based on fear? MsY lied about having AS for 2 years because, lemme guess, she was scared of losing his care, love and approval if she didn't have it.

It fucking hurts when that love, care and approval gets taken away doesn't it. I hate bringing it up but yeah I was suicidal because I thought he didn't care for me anymore, then really really REALLY suicidal when I found he actually didn't. One day either or both of you are gonna end up the same way.


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Re: Hi
« Reply #84 on: November 07, 2010, 04:28:33 AM »
The reason for him going back to you MsY was rather different in my inbox. In my inbox it was "boohoohoooo, I went back to her cos she's the only one who'll put up with me and my OCD, boohoohoo :'( :'( /self pity".

I hate how he does that; Makes sure the person he's talking to at that moment is made to feel special and agrees with everything they say, but does nothing to make us think nice things about any of the other people he talks to. It means we all end up thinking the other person is a piece of shit and we all end up on different pages with our stories (cos he has each of us assured that our individual story is the right one). Seriously, the only nice thing he said about MsY in the whole time I've known him (18 months) was "she's a nice person", that's it!

He'll just find some other seemingly borderline female on WP to replace me with soon. Surely he didn't come across three batshit insane borderlines by coincidence on WP, no he hand picked us. Precious fucking care, love and approval, that's what we were all after. We fucking needed it and he knew it. Admit it PSP, you're an "overly loyal internet friend" out of fear, fear that he won't care for you back if you aren't so "overly loyal", not because you love and care for him (not doubting that you dont care for and love him, just sayin). Is that the kind of friendship you want with him? One based on fear? MsY lied about having AS for 2 years because, lemme guess, she was scared of losing his care, love and approval if she didn't have it.

It fucking hurts when that love, care and approval gets taken away doesn't it. I hate bringing it up but yeah I was suicidal because I thought he didn't care for me anymore, then really really REALLY suicidal when I found he actually didn't. One day either or both of you are gonna end up the same way.

Give 'em hell, YOURMUM.  :plus:

Besides, I know you can do better.

Offline Eclair

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Re: Hi
« Reply #85 on: November 07, 2010, 04:34:02 AM »
All I can say is....6 months ago people.


When I broke up with my husband and we had been together around 10 years, but I had known him since I was 13, even then, when I left it was a 6 month time limit.

Why would you bother to tie yourself up into knots over this shit...I mean really, if it was love, you certainly wouldn't be feeling like shit after 6 months.

YOURMUM hasn't even met this dude IRL.  :duh:


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Re: Hi
« Reply #86 on: November 07, 2010, 04:35:38 AM »

I am not going to respond to your message bit by bit. I don't really see a purpose to it. You've been at your propaganda campaign for months here, and I doubt I'm going to be able to convince anyone here that you're wildly over-exaggerating and playing the victim. To be honest, I'm not even sure if you know you're lying or if you're delusional enough to think what you're saying is true. I strongly suspect it's a combination though.

Here's the thing: this "maturity high horse" is why I'm ultimately the one Daniel is with (and we are together, though you seem to think otherwise). In a situation where there's adversity, you can't handle it. You come out with insults and half truths that seem to be largely directed towards making yourself look like the victim. Sometimes you're successful. I offered you a truce, all the way back in April; I said listen, I don't like you and don't think you're a good match, but if you're willing to stop making dramatic, negative public posts, I will stop saying negative things about your privately. That was a sincere offer. Instead of responding, however, you choose to publicly attack me soon after you got the message. I gave you the opportunity to put it all to rest, and you decided that you would rather go out in a blaze of glory.

You were not a good girlfriend, and I did make lists about why. The moment you said that you hoped he would hurt himself, you lost any chance you ever had at being a good girlfriend. Then you continued to be publicly dramatic when you had the chance to have everything be peaceful. At which point was I supposed to decide that you were mature and stable enough to handle a relationship with someone who needs stability? Quite frankly, I never would have recommended you to anyone, regardless of my past with that person.

I think you are so wrapped up in yourself that you are incapable of seeing fault in your actions. I, along with everyone else involved (and that does mean everyone), have made mistakes, and I, along with everyone else involved but you, have admitted them. Were you acting even remotely sane, I would apologize for a couple things (though not everything that you've accused me of, because in some, I was in the right, and in others, I didn't actually do what you're accusing me of). You aren't taking any responsibility though. It's easier for you to believe that you've done nothing wrong rather than confront the fact that you've been out of line. I don't pity you.

I will directly address one line though:

Better stop lying about your DX status too. For how long did you lie to him about having AS? 2 years?

I do have an official diagnosis. I was diagnosed by a professional a couple years ago. Granted, she's probably not the best ever, and I've questioned it sometimes (there's some overlap with another disorder), but the next nearest psychologist is over an hour away (the joys of living in a small town), so I've never gone. That's never been a secret, but I am officially diagnosed with AS.

For everyone else: Like I said before, she's been at her campaign for months now, and I don't expect to convince you otherwise. I understand that you're just going by what you've seen, and unfortunately, that's been largely false. YOURMUM is exceptionally bitter, and unfortunately, she hasn't handled it well.

Jesus Christ, get to the point already.....

Offline Charlotte Quin

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Re: Hi
« Reply #87 on: November 07, 2010, 04:46:04 AM »
Daniel specifically told me "She lied about her diagnosis, she doesn't have AS". He told me you were DX'ed with Social Anxiety Disorder. He cited this lie as one of the reasons for one of the one million breakups you two have had. Relationship stability: u haz none.

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Re: Hi
« Reply #88 on: November 07, 2010, 05:11:55 AM »
Methinks this is a very confusing daytime soap. I'll switch to Discovery and hope there is a Mythbusters I haven't watched in a while.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: Hi
« Reply #89 on: November 07, 2010, 05:22:28 AM »
Fuck Daniel and get someone else. Problem solved.